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duangsuse edited this page Mar 30, 2020 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the extract-subtitles wiki!

Normal usage

./ --help # program opts. like -lang eng -crop '0(x,y)[w,h]'

NOTE: all documents below will use (x,y)(w,h) as an synonym for 0(x,y)[w,h]

Extract subtitle, then convert to SRT file (you can use subtitle editor / srt tool then)

./ SomethingNew.mp4 # and select subtitle crop box

./ -crop '(617,955)(685,32)' --crop-debug -filter-code '~cvInGrayRange(it, 0xbf,0xff)' --draw-plot --use-sharp --chunk-size 1000  SomethingNew.mp4

./ merge frames/timeline_SomethingNew.mp4.txt 0.25|./ to-lrc 29.97 srt>
# FPS (29.97) should be changed if timeline seems incorrect


Simple postprocess routine

./ merge frames/timeline_SomethingNew.mp4.txt 0.25
./ to-lrc 29.97 srt #(or no "srt") for LRC output

Use bandpass filter and inverse color (if input is white text with black background, ~it)

./ -crop '(617,955)(685,32)' --crop-debug -filter-code '~cv2.inRange(it, (0xBF,0xBF,0xBF), (0xFF,0xFF,0xFF))' SomethingNew.mp4

Use FFMpeg to crop input video (not related) (see also)

ffmpeg -filter:v "crop=in_w:in_h/20:0:in_h*97/100" -r 0.5 frames/%04d.jpg -i input.mp4

Make merged (occur time to duration) subtitles simplified to start-time

./ simplify #paste output for merge

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