- Block MDP
- Lifelong Learning, Continual Learning
- Generalization
- Abstraction, Logical
- Symbolic
- Auto RL
- Evolutionary RL
- Graph
- Auxiliary task, Representation learning
- Tutorials
- Misc
- Resources
- Provable RL with Exogenous Distractors via Multistep Inverse Dynamics (ICLR2022 oral) arxiv [no code]
- Provably efficient RL with Rich Observations via Latent State Decoding (ICML2019) arxiv code
- Provable Rich Observation Reinforcement Learning with Combinatorial Latent States (ICLR2021) arxiv [no code]
- Kinematic State Abstraction and Provably Efficient Rich-Observation Reinforcement Learning (ICML2020) arxiv [no code]
- Efficient Reinforcement Learning in Block MDPs: A Model-free Representation Learning Approach (arxiv) arxiv code
- Exploiting Action Impact Regularity and Exogenous State Variables for Offline Reinforcement Learning arxiv [no code]
- On Reinforcement Learning with Adversarial Corruption and Its Application to Block MDP arxiv
- Block Contextual MDPs for Continual Learning (ICLR2022 withdraw) openreview
- Learning Domain Invariant Representations in Goal-conditioned Block MDPs arxiv code
- On Reinforcement Learning with Adversarial Corruption and Its Application to Block MDP (ICML2021) pdf
- Modular Lifelong Reinforcement Learning via Neural Composition (ICLR2022) arxiv [no code]
- Generalisation in Lifelong Reinforcement Learning through Logical Composition (ICLR2022) arxiv [code bug]
- Continual Learning via Local Module Composition (NIPS2021) arxiv code
- Gradient Projection Memory for Continual Learning (ICLR2021 oral) arxiv code
- Policy and value transfer in lifelong reinforcement learning. (ICML2018) arxiv [no code]
- Lipschitz Lifelong Reinforcement Learning (AAAI2021) arxiv code
- Towards Continual Reinforcement Learning: A Review and Perspectives arxiv
- Fast reinforcement learning with generalized policy updates (PNAS) arxiv
- Transfer in Deep Reinforcement Learning Using Successor Features and Generalised Policy Improvement (ICML2018) arxiv [no code]
- Lifelong Policy Gradient Learning of Factored Policies for Faster Training Without Forgetting (NIPS2020) arxiv
- Policy Consolidation for Continual Reinforcement Learning (ICML2019) arxiv code
- Continual Reinforcement Learning with Complex Synapses arxiv [no code]
- Continuous Coordination As a Realistic Scenario for Lifelong Learning arxiv code1 code2
- Lifelong Incremental Reinforcement Learning with Online Bayesian Inference (TNNLS) pdf code
- Is Model-Free Learning Nearly Optimal for Non-Stationary RL? [ICML2021] arxiv [no code]
- Cross-Trajectory Representation Learning for Zero-Shot Generalization in RL (ICLR2022) arxiv code
- Why Generalization in RL is Difficult: Epistemic POMDPs and Implicit Partial Observability (NIPS2021) arxiv
- Constructing a Good Behavior Basis for Transfer using Generalized Policy Updates (ICLR2022) arxiv [no code]
- Environment Generation for Zero-Shot Compositional Reinforcement Learning (NIPS2021) arxiv code?
- Reinforcement Learning with Prototypical Representations (ICML2021) arxiv code
- Deep Reinforcement Learning amidst Continual Structured Non-Stationarity (ICML2021) arxiv
- K-level Reasoning for Zero-Shot Coordination in Hanabi (NIPS2021) arxiv
- Source tasks selection for transfer deep reinforcement learning: a case of study on Atari games
- The Distracting Control Suite -- A Challenging Benchmark for Reinforcement Learning from Pixels pdf code
- AdaRL: What, Where, and How to Adapt in Transfer Reinforcement Learning (ICLR2022 spotlight) arxiv code
- Improving zero-shot generalization in offline reinforcement learning using generalized similarity functions (ICLR2022 reject) openreview code
- DARLA: Improving Zero-Shot Transfer in Reinforcement Learning (ICML2017) arxiv code
- Case-based reasoning for better generalization in textual reinforcement learning (ICLR2022 poster) arxiv [[no code]]
- Controlling Graph Dynamics with Reinforcement Learning and Graph Neural Networks (ICML2021) arxiv code
- Grounding Language to Entities and Dynamics for Generalization in Reinforcement Learning (ICML2021) arxiv code
- On the Generalization of Representations in Reinforcement Learning (AISTATS22) arxiv code
- Policy Architectures for Compositional Generalization in Control arxiv code
- Leveraging procedural generation to benchmark reinforcement learning
- Quantifying generalization in reinforcement learning
- Decoupling value and policy for generalization in reinforcement learning code
- On overfitting and asymptotic bias in batch reinforcement learning with partial observability
- Improving generalization in reinforcement learning with mixture regularization (NIPS2020) code
- Observational overfitting in reinforcement learning
- Assessing generalization in deep reinforcement learning.
- Neuro-algorithmic Policies enable Fast Combinatorial Generalization (ICML2021) [no code]
- Self-supervised Visual Reinforcement Learning with Object-centric Representations (ICLR2021 spotlight) code
- Transient Non-stationarity and Generalisation in Deep Reinforcement Learning (ICLR2021)
- Refactoring Policy for Compositional Generalizability using Self-Supervised Object Proposals (NIPS2020) (GNN)
- SECANT: Self-Expert Cloning for Zero-Shot Generalization of Visual Policies (ICML2021) code
- Visual Transfer for Reinforcement Learning via Wasserstein Domain Confusion (AAAI2021) code
- Planning to Explore via Self-Supervised World Models (ICML2020) arxiv code
- Off-Dynamics Reinforcement Learning: Training for Transfer with Domain Classifiers (ICLR2021) arxiv code
- REPAINT: Knowledge Transfer in Deep Reinforcement Learning (ICML2021)
- Compositional Reinforcement Learning from Logical Specifications (NIPS2021) arxiv code
- Learning Markov State Abstractions for Deep Reinforcement Learning (NIPS2021) arxiv code
- A Theory of Abstraction in Reinforcement Learning pdf thesis
- Model-Invariant State Abstractions for Model-Based Reinforcement Learning arxiv [no code]
- Deep symbolic regression: Recovering mathematical expressions from data via risk-seeking policy gradients (ICLR2021) arxiv code
- Discovering symbolic policies with deep reinforcement learning (ICML2021) arxiv
- Iterated learning for emergent systematicity in VQA (ICLR2021 oral) arxiv
- Evolving Reinforcement Learning Algorithms (ICLR2021 oral) arxiv
- Discovering Reinforcement Learning Algorithms (NIPS2020) arxiv
- CARL: A Benchmark for Contextual and Adaptive Reinforcement Learning (NIPS2021w) arxiv
- Transform2Act: Learning a Transform-and-Control Policy for Efficient Agent Design (ICLR2022 oral) arxiv code
- Graph Convolutional Reinforcement Learning (ICLR2020) arxiv pytorch tf
- Graph Policy Gradients for Large Scale Robot Control (CoRL2019 oral) arxiv code
- Actor-Attention-Critic for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (ICML2019) arxiv code
- Symbolic Relational Deep Reinforcement Learning based on Graph Neural Networks
- Efficient and Interpretable Robot Manipulation with Graph Neural Networks
- Towards practical multi-object manipulation using relational reinforcement learning.
- Neural task graphs:Generalizing to unseen tasks from a single video demonstration. (CVPR2019)
- Multi-Agent Inverse Reinforcement Learning: Suboptimal Demonstrations and Alternative Solution arxiv
- Multi-Agent Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (NIPS2018) arxiv
- Social Neuro AI: Social Interaction as the "dark matter" of AI arxiv
- Emergent Social Learning via Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning (ICML2021) arxiv [no code]
- Meta-brain Models: biologically-inspired cognitive agents arxiv
- Learning Meta Representations for Agents in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning arxiv [no code]
- An Efficient Transfer Learning Framework for Multiagent Reinforcement Learning (NIPS2021) arxiv code
- Option-Critic in Cooperative Multi-agent Systems arxiv code
- Bayesian Action Decoder for Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (ICML2019) arxiv code
- Joint Policy Search for Collaborative Multi-agent Imperfect Information Games (NIPS2020) arxiv code
- Hierarchical Deep Multiagent Reinforcement Learning with Temporal Abstraction arxiv [no code]
- Cooperative Exploration for Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning (ICML2021) arxiv code
- A Policy Gradient Algorithm for Learning to Learn in Multiagent Reinforcement Learning (ICML2021) arxiv code
- Coach-Player Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Team Composition (ICML)
- Learning Fair Policies in Decentralized Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (ICML2021)
- Reinforcement Learning under a Multi-agent Predictive State Representation Model: Method and Theory (ICLR2022)
- Tensor Decomposition for Multi-agent Predictive State Representation
- Learning with Opponent-Learning Awareness (AAMAS2018) arxiv code
- Model-based Multi-agent Policy Optimization with Adaptive Opponent-wise Rollouts (IJCAI2021) arxiv code
- Communication in multi-agent reinforcement learning: Intention sharing (ICLR2021)
- Efficient Model-based Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning via Optimistic Equilibrium Computation arxiv [no code]
- Agent Modelling under Partial Observability for Deep Reinforcement Learning (NIPS2021) code
- state-representaton-learning-rl blog
- Contrastive Behavioral Similarity Embeddings for Generalization in Reinforcement Learning (ICLR2021 oral) arxiv code
- Learning Invariant Representations for Reinforcement Learning without Reconstruction arxiv code
- Decoupling Representation Learning from Reinforcement Learning (ICML2021) arxiv code
- Dealing with Non-Stationarity in MARL via Trust-Region Decomposition (ICLR2022) arxiv [no code]
- A Tutorial on Thompson Sampling pdf
- When should agents explore? (ICLR2021 spotlight) arxiv
- Principled Exploration via Optimistic Bootstrapping and Backward Induction (ICML2021)
- Representation Learning for Online and Offline RL in Low-rank MDPs (ICLR2022 spotlight) arxiv
- A Free Lunch from the Noise: Provable and Practical Exploration for Representation Learning (ICLR2022 reject) openreview
- Agnostic Reinforcement Learning with Low-Rank MDPs and Rich Observations (NIPS2021) arxiv
- Sample Efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning via Uncertainty Estimation (ICLR2022 spotlight) arxiv
- Programmatic Reinforcement Learning without Oracles (ICLR2022 spotlight) openreview [no code]
- Understanding Domain Randomization for Sim-to-real Transfer (ICLR2022 spotlight) arxiv
- Possibility Before Utility: Learning And Using Hierarchical Affordances (ICLR2022 spotlight) arxiv code
- Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning: A Comprehensive Survey pdf
- Hierarchical Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning pdf
- Hierarchical Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with Skill Discovery (AAMAS2020) arxiv code
- Graph-Based Skill Acquisition For Reinforcement Learning pdf
- Compositional Reinforcement Learning from Logical Specifications (NIPS2021) code (Dijkstra)
- Deep Variational Reinforcement Learning for POMDPs (ICLR2018) arxiv code
- Structured World Belief for Reinforcement Learning in POMDP (ICML2021) arxiv [no code]
- An Efficient, Expressive and Local Minima-free Method for Learning Controlled Dynamical Systems (AAAI2018) arxiv code
- Learning Latent Dynamics for Planning from Pixels (ICML2019) arxiv code
- Recurrent Model-Free RL is a Strong Baseline for Many POMDPs
- Reinforcement Learning in Rich-Observation MDPs using Spectral Methods
- On Improving Deep Reinforcement Learning for POMDPs code
- Stochastic Latent Actor-Critic: Deep Reinforcement Learning with a Latent Variable Model (NIPS2020)
- Planning from Pixels using Inverse Dynamics Models (ICLR2021) [no code]
- Density Constrained Reinforcement Learning (ICML2021) arxiv
- Trust Region Evolution Strategies (AAAI2019) pdf
- Model-Based Reinforcement Learning via Latent-Space Collocation (ICML2021)
- Towards Nonlinear Disentanglement in Natural Data with Temporal Sparse Coding (ICLR2021 oral) code
- Deep Reinforcement Learning: Opportunities and Challenges pdf
- Reinforcement Learning in Robotics: A Survey pdf
- Model-based Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning: Recent Progress and Prospects arxiv
- A Survey of Generalisation in Deep Reinforcement Learning arxiv
- Approximation Methods for Partially Observed Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs)
- Notes on Theoretical Foundations of Reinforcement Learning pdf
- Exploration blog
- https://github.com/yangyutu/EssentialMath/
- Contextual Decision Processes with Low Bellman Rank are PAC-Learnable (ICML2017) arxiv
- Is the Policy Gradient a Gradient? pdf
- Bayesian Reinforcement Learning: A Survey arxiv
- Learning Good State and Action Representations via Tensor Decomposition arxiv
- On Lottery Tickets and Minimal Task Representations in Deep Reinforcement Learning (ICLR2022 spotlight) arxiv
- Constrained Policy Optimization via Bayesian World Models openreview
- Improving Stochastic Policy Gradients in Continuous Control with Deep Reinforcement Learning using the Beta Distribution (ICML2017) pdf
- A bayesian approach to problems in stochastic estimation and control pdf
- On Proximal Policy Optimization's Heavy-tailed Gradients (ICML2021) arxiv
- Policy Information Capacity: Information-Theoretic Measure for Task Complexity in Deep Reinforcement Learning (ICML2021) arxiv code
- Muesli: Combining Improvements in Policy Optimization (ICML2021) arxiv code
- Low-Precision Reinforcement Learning: Running Soft Actor-Critic in Half Precision (ICML2021) arxiv [no code]
- Controlling Graph Dynamics with Reinforcement Learning and Graph Neural Networks (ICML2021) arxiv [no code]
- Spectral Normalisation for Deep Reinforcement Learning: An Optimisation Perspective (ICML2021)
- Temporal Predictive Coding For Model-Based Planning In Latent Space (ICML2021)
- Neural codes: Firing rates and beyond. (beta distribution and spike coding)
- Analysis and Improvement of Policy Gradient Estimation (NIPS2011) (variance of policy gradient estimator is inversely proportional to
$\sigma^2$ ) - Recurrent predictive state policy networks
- A recurrent latent variable model for sequential data.