Creative Coding with the Julia programming language.
Tela.jl is a Julia package inspired by Processing and p5.js, designed to be easy to use for programmers and non programmers (artists, students, etc) to build interactive applications, visualizations, simulations, games and computer generated art.
Warning: this project is in a very early stage and under development.
Tela is a Julia Language package. To install Tela, open Julia's interactive session (known as REPL) and press ] key in the REPL to use the package mode, then type the following command:
pkg> add
Note that Tela is not yet at the public registry, installation is done directly from this repo.
using Tela
# Use the setting" macro to set common application settings,
# such as the window title, width, height, etc...
setting"title" = "[Example] Basic"
setting"width" = 800
setting"height" = 600
# setup will be called once the application is initialized.
setup(::App) = background(rgb(12))
# update will be called every frame.
function update(::App)
# Check if a particular mouse button is being pressed
if isdown(mouse"left")
hue = 360 * (cos(π/12 * @seconds) + 1)
fillcolor(hsl(hue, 0.75, 0.65))
circle(@mouse[x], @mouse[y], 32, :fill)
isdown(mouse"right") && background(rgb(12))
# Top header
rect(0, 0, @width, 30, :fill)
textalign(:top, :left)
text("Hold Mouse Left 🖱️ to draw | Press Mouse Right 🖱️ to clear", 10, 10)
# Runs the application.
# Basically, this macro will look at the functions you defined and
# add them as callback listeners to specific Tela events, based on
# their name.
# So for example, the setup and update functions defined above will
# be added to the setup and update Tela events, respectively.
In progress...
Tela.jl is licensed under the MIT License.
Additional license for assets:
- Roboto is licensed under the Apache License
- Noto Emoji licensed under SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1