Welcome to the Overtracker project! Overtracker is an Android app that helps you to keep track of yours and many other player's competitive scores on Overwatch! Feel free to look around and contribute!
You can download the latest release here.
In order to use the features present in the Overtracker app, you'll need to create a Blizzard account, as it's the only login method of the app. (Make to sure to also create your battletag before attempting to login to the app for the first time)
Clicking in the icons in the bottom menu you can navigate through the main screens of the app.
The first screen after you login is the Global Feed, where the latest SR, Main Hero, Win Rate and Endorsement Level updates of the top registered players are shown in different cards. There you can also click on any card to show more information about the player in a popup window. In this popup window you can also follow the player by clicking on the button in the bottom right corner of his profile icon.
The second screen is the Local Feed. This screen is just like the Global Feed, except it only shows updates from the players you're following. There you can also search an especific player by clicking in the floating button in the bottom right corner and typing their battletag.
The button above the "Add Player" button takes you to the Following screen, where you can see a list of all the players you've followed.
The third screen is the Hero List screen, where you can see a list of all the heroes playable in Overwatch. This list is updated based on the game's website. Clicking on any hero will take you to the Hero Details screen, where there is more information about the hero and a map showing the region where this hero is played the most. Note that the location is calculated based on the average location of ours users, so as the number of users increases, the accuracy of this location will increase too.
The fourth screen is the Chatbot screen. You can ask the bot about overwatch heroes, latest patch notes, ask him to give you a random workshop code, etc. This Chatbot was made using DialogFlow.
If you want to make your own fork/improvement, you'll need to set up some stuff before. First, you'll need the latest Android Studio release.
You can clone this repo by using this command:
git clone https://github.com/eaemenkkstudios/overtracker-mobile
After that, you'll have to create a file called api_keys.xml
, where your personal keys will be stored (don't worry, the .gitignore
file is already covering this one).
This is the default model for this file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="ad_app_id">ca-app-pub-XXX~XXX</string>
<string name="ad_banner_id">ca-app-pub-XXX/XXX</string>
<string name="ad_native_id">ca-app-pub-XXX/XXX</string>
<string name="google_maps_key" templateMergeStrategy="preserve" translatable="false">XXX</string>
This file goes into /app/src/main/res/values
. As you could guess, the first three tokens are related to the AdMob API, which you can get by signing up here. The last one is related to Google Maps API, which you can get here.
You'll also need to setup a basic emulator (or run on your own Android smartphone), which is also explained on this documentation. You can select the device that you want to run on this menu:
Run the app by pressing on the play button or by pressing Shift + F10
. Aaaaaand that's it! Happy hacking!
If you want to properly contribute to the development of this app, check out CONTRIBUTING.md.
To see the full change log, check out CHANGELOG.md