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Releases: easystats/insight

insight 0.20.5

02 Oct 08:50
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  • get_datagrid() can now be used to extract the "grid" information from
    {emmeans} and {marginaleffects} outputs.

  • Arguments na.rm and na_rm are deprecated throughout the package's functions.
    Instead, use remove_na.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed rendering issue of the example in ?insight::display.

  • Fixed issues due to recent changes in the glmmTMB package.

insight 0.20.4

02 Sep 04:39
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New supported models

  • Support for models of classes glm_weighit, multinom_weightit and
    ordinal_weightit (package WeightIt).


  • null_model() and formula_ok() now warn when indexed data frames, such as
    df[, 5], are used as response variable in the formula, as this can lead to
    unexpected results.

  • Minor improvements to link_function() and link_inverse().

Bug fixes

  • Fixed regression from latest fix related to get_variance() for brms models.

  • Fixed issue in link_function() and link_inverse() for models of class
    cglm with "identity" link, which was not correctly recognized due to a

insight 0.20.3

16 Aug 11:33
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  • get_df() now supports more model classes.

  • get_variance() gives an informative error if no mixed model is provided.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue in find_formula(), find_predictors() and find_variables()
    for models from package brms with custom formulas.

  • Fixed issues in find_response() for brms models with mi() function in
    the response variable.

  • Fixed issue in get_variance() that could lead to recursive calls for
    brms models, resulting in "infinite" resampling of the model.

  • Fixed issue in check_if_installed() that erroneously tried to guess the
    minimum required package version based on the SUGGEST field of the insight
    package, instead of the package that was calling the function.

  • Fixed issue in get_modelmatrix() for models from package brms with
    special functions in the formula (like mo()).

  • Fixed issue in ellipses_info() when this function was called from

  • Fixed issue with formatting unicode-symbols, where a wrong unicode-character
    was used for "Omega". Furthermore, Omega2 and Eta2 are now correctly converted.

insight 0.20.2

13 Jul 16:27
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New supported models

  • Support for models of class glmgee (package glmtoolbox).

  • Support for models of class svy2lme (package svylme).


  • Massive overhaul of get_variance(). The function should be now more
    accurate for different distributional families, in particular for
    mixed regression models with Beta family.

  • Improved accuracy of singularity-checks in get_variance().

  • get_variance() gets a few new arguments:

    • null_model, to provide a null-model to be used for the calculation of
      random effect variances. If NULL, the null-model is computed internally.
      This argument is optional, but may be useful to save time, or when the
      null-model cannot be calculated internally.

    • approximation, indicating the approximation method for the
      distribution-specific (observation level, or residual) variance.

    • model_component, for models that can have a zero-inflation component,
      specify for which component variances should be returned. By default, both
      the conditional and the zero-inflation component are taken into account.

  • format_alert() and format_warning() get an immediate argument, to output
    warnings immediately.

  • find_terms() and find_transformation() now better cope with inverse
    transformations of the response value, such as 1/y.

  • get_transformation() now returns more transformations for power-transformed
    response variables.

  • model_info() for MixMod objects from package GLMMadaptive now recognize
    zero-inflation and hurdle models for custom families.

Bug fixes

  • null_model() now correctly handles zero-inflated models from package

  • Fixed issue in null_model() for models from package GLMMadaptive.

  • Fixed issues in link_inverse() and link_function() for models of class
    gamlss from LOGNO() family.

insight 0.20.1

11 Jun 16:22
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Bug fixes

  • Fixed possible memory allocation issues when the deprecated argument at was
    used in get_datagrid()

insight 0.20.0

04 Jun 11:12
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  • Arguments named group, at, group_by and split_by will be deprecated
    in future releases of easystats packages. Please use by instead. This
    affects following functions in insight:

    • export_table()
    • get_datagrid()
    • print_parameters()

Bug fixes

  • Fixed errors in CRAN checks.

  • Fixed issues in compact_list() for objects that contained variables of
    class vctrs.

insight 0.19.11

12 May 19:44
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  • More informative error message for get_varcov() when the requested
    vcov-function failed.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue with get_data() for coxme models when sourcewas set to

insight 0.19.10

22 Mar 07:55
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Bug fixes

  • Functions like find_variables() or clean_names() now support multi-membership
    formulas for models from brms.

  • Updated tests to work with the latest changes in glmmTMB 1.1.9.

insight 0.19.9

16 Mar 08:56
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New supported models

  • Support for models of class serp (package serp).


  • standardize_names() now also recognizes column s.value from objects of
    package marginaleffects.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue in find_predictors() for models with splines (s()), where
    number of dimensions was indicated with a variable, not a number.

  • format_ci() now works for factors and character vectors again.

  • Fixed issues with latest release of tinytable.

  • Fixed issues with latest release of PROreg.

insight 0.19.8

05 Feb 19:50
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  • Removed deprecated arguments in get_data.mmrm().

  • Improved support for models of class rqs (package quantreg).

  • Revised test to address forthcoming changes in the pscl package.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue in get_loglikelihood() for glm-models with binary outcome, where
    levels were defined in reversed order.

  • Fixed issue in find_formula() for models of class glmmPQL (package MASS).

  • Fixed issue in find_formula() for models of class gam (package mgcv) for
    the "gaulss" family.

  • Fixed issue in get_variance() for glmmTMB models with family = "ordbeta".

  • Fixed issue in model_info() with correctly detecting multivariate vgam/vglm