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corentincarton committed Jul 10, 2024
1 parent c1f758b commit eeda068
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Showing 2 changed files with 459 additions and 630 deletions.
341 changes: 341 additions & 0 deletions src/lisflood/hydrological_modules/
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import numpy as np

def MCTRouting_single(
V00, q10, q01, q00, ql, q0mm, Cm0, Dm0, dt, xpix, s0, Balv, ANalv, Nalv
This function implements Muskingum-Cunge-Todini routing method for a single pixel.
Todini, E. (2007). A mass conservative and water storage consistent variable parameter Muskingum-Cunge approach. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci.
(Chapter 5)
Reggiani, P., Todini, E., & Meißner, D. (2016). On mass and momentum conservation in the variable-parameter Muskingum method. Journal of Hydrology, 543, 562–576.
(Appendix B)
:param V00: channel storage volume at t (beginning of computation step)
:param q10: O(t) - outflow (x+dx) at time t
:param q01: I(t+dt) - inflow (x) at time t+dt
:param q00: I(t) - inflow (x) at time t
:param ql: lateral flow over time dt [m3/s]
:param q0mm: I - average inflow during step dt
:param Cm0: Courant number at time t
:param Dm0: Reynolds number at time t
:param dt: time interval step
:param xpix: channel length
:param s0: channel slope
:param Balv: channel bankfull width
:param ANalv: angle of the riverbed side [rad]
:param Nalv: channel Manning roughness coefficient
q11: Outflow (x+dx) at O(t+dt)
V11: channel storage volume at t+dt
Cm1: Courant number at t+1 for state file
Dm1: Reynolds number at t+1 for state file

eps = 1e-06

# Calc O' first guess for the outflow at time t+dt
# O'(t+dt)=O(t)+(I(t+dt)-I(t))
q11 = q10 + (q01 - q00)

# check for negative and zero discharge values
# zero outflow is not allowed
if q11 < eps: # cmcheck <=0
q11 = eps

# calc reference discharge at time t
# qm0 = (I(t)+O(t))/2
# qm0 = (q00 + q10) / 2.

# Calc O(t+dt)=q11 at time t+dt using MCT equations
for i in range(2): # repeat 2 times for accuracy

# reference I discharge at x=0
qmx0 = (q00 + q01) / 2.0
if qmx0 < eps: # cmcheck ==0
qmx0 = eps
hmx0 = hoq(qmx0, s0, Balv, ANalv, Nalv)

# reference O discharge at x=1
qmx1 = (q10 + q11) / 2.0
if qmx1 < eps: # cmcheck ==0
qmx1 = eps
hmx1 = hoq(qmx1, s0, Balv, ANalv, Nalv)

# Calc riverbed slope correction factor
cor = 1 - (1 / s0 * (hmx1 - hmx0) / xpix)
sfx = s0 * cor
if sfx < (0.8 * s0):
sfx = 0.8 * s0 # In case of instability raise from 0.5 to 0.8

# Calc reference discharge time t+dt
# Q(t+dt)=(I(t+dt)+O'(t+dt))/2
qm1 = (q01 + q11) / 2.0
# cm
if qm1 < eps: # cmcheck ==0
qm1 = eps
# cm
hm1 = hoq(qm1, s0, Balv, ANalv, Nalv)
dummy, Ax1, Bx1, Px1, ck1 = qoh(hm1, s0, Balv, ANalv, Nalv)
if ck1 <= eps:
ck1 = eps

# Calc correcting factor Beta at time t+dt
Beta1 = ck1 / (qm1 / Ax1)
# calc corrected cell Reynolds number at time t+dt
Dm1 = qm1 / (sfx * ck1 * Bx1 * xpix) / Beta1
# corrected Courant number at time t+dt
Cm1 = ck1 * dt / xpix / Beta1

# Calc MCT parameters
den = 1 + Cm1 + Dm1
c1 = (-1 + Cm1 + Dm1) / den
c2 = (1 + Cm0 - Dm0) / den * (Cm1 / Cm0)
c3 = (1 - Cm0 + Dm0) / den * (Cm1 / Cm0)
c4 = (2 * Cm1) / den

# cmcheck
# Calc outflow q11 at time t+1
# Mass balance equation without lateral flow
# q11 = c1 * q01 + c2 * q00 + c3 * q10
# Mass balance equation that takes into consideration the lateral flow
q11 = c1 * q01 + c2 * q00 + c3 * q10 + c4 * ql

if q11 < eps: # cmcheck <=0
q11 = eps

#### end of for loop

# # cmcheck
# calc_t = xpix / ck1
# if calc_t < dt:
# print('xpix/ck1 < dt')

# k1 = dt / Cm1
# x1 = (1. - Dm1) / 2.

# Calc the corrected mass-conservative expression for the reach segment storage at time t+dt
# The lateral inflow ql is only explicitly accounted for in the mass balance equation, while it is not in the equation expressing
# the storage as a weighted average of inflow and outflow.The rationale of this approach lies in the fact that the outflow
# of the reach implicitly takes the effect of the lateral inflow into account.
if q11 == 0:
V11 = V00 + (q00 + q01 - q10 - q11) * dt / 2
V11 = (1 - Dm1) * dt / (2 * Cm1) * q01 + (1 + Dm1) * dt / (2 * Cm1) * q11
# V11 = k1 * (x1 * q01 + (1. - x1) * q11) # MUST be the same as above!

### calc integration on the control volume (pixel)
# calc average discharge outflow q1m for MCT channels during routing sub step dt
# Calculate average outflow using water balance for MCT channel grid cell over sub-routing step
q1mm = q0mm + ql + (V00 - V11) / dt

# cmcheck
# q1m cannot be smaller than eps or it will cause instability
if q1mm < eps:
q1mm = eps
V11 = V00 + (q0mm + ql - q1mm) * dt

# q11 Outflow at O(t+dt)
# q1m average outflow in time dt
# V11 water volume at t+dt
# Cm1 Courant number at t+dt for state files
# Dm1 Reynolds numbers at t+dt for state files
return q11, V11, q1mm, Cm1, Dm1

def hoq(q, s0, Balv, ANalv, Nalv):
"""Water depth h from discharge q.
Given a generic cross-section (rectangular, triangular or trapezoidal) and a steady-state discharge q=Q*, it computes
water depth (y), wet contour (Bx), wet area (Ax) and wave celerity (cel) using Newton-Raphson method.
Reggiani, P., Todini, E., & Meißner, D. (2016). On mass and momentum conservation in the variable-parameter Muskingum method.
Journal of Hydrology, 543, 562–576.
:param q: steady-state river discharge [m3/s]
:param s0: river bed slope (tan B)
:param Balv : width of the riverbed [m]
:param ChanSdXdY : slope dx/dy of riverbed side
:param ANalv : angle of the riverbed side [rad]
:param Nalv : channel mannings coefficient n for the riverbed [s/m1/3]
y: water depth referred to the bottom of the riverbed [m]

alpha = 5.0 / 3.0 # exponent (5/3)
eps = 1.0e-06
max_tries = 1000

rs0 = np.sqrt(s0)
usalpha = 1.0 / alpha

# cotangent(angle of the riverbed side - dXdY)
if ANalv < np.pi / 2:
# triangular or trapezoid cross-section
c = cotan(ANalv)
# rectangular corss-section
c = 0.0

# sin(angle of the riverbed side - dXdY)
if ANalv < np.pi / 2:
# triangular or trapezoid cross-section
s = np.sin(ANalv)
# rectangular cross-section
s = 1.0

# water depth first approximation y0 based on steady state q
if Balv == 0:
# triangular cross-section
y = (Nalv * q / rs0) ** (3.0 / 8.0) * (2 / s) ** 0.25 / c ** (5.0 / 8.0)
# rectangular cross-section and first approx for trapezoidal cross-section
y = (Nalv * q / (rs0 * Balv)) ** usalpha

if (Balv != 0) and (ANalv < np.pi / 2):
# trapezoid cross-section
y = (Nalv * q / rs0) ** usalpha * (Balv + 2.0 * y / s) ** 0.4 / (Balv + c * y)

for tries in range(1, max_tries):
# calc Q(y) for the different tries of y
q0, Ax, Bx, Px, cel = qoh(y, s0, Balv, ANalv, Nalv)
# Ax: wet area[m2]
# Bx: cross-section width at water surface[m]
# Px: cross-section wet contour [m]
# cel: wave celerity[m/s]

# this is the function we want to find the 0 for f(y)=Q(y)-Q*
fy = q0 - q
# calc first derivative of f(y) f'(y)=Bx(y)*cel(y)
dfy = Bx * cel
# calc update for water depth y
dy = fy / dfy
# update yt+1=yt-f'(yt)/f(yt)
y = y - dy
# stop loop if correction becomes too small
if np.abs(dy) < eps:

return y

def qoh(y, s0, Balv, ANalv, Nalv):
"""Discharge q from water depth h.
Given a generic river cross-section (rectangular, triangular and trapezoidal)
and a water depth (y [m]) referred to the bottom of the riverbed, it uses Manning’s formula to calculate:
q: steady-state discharge river discharge [m3/s]
a: wet area [m2]
b: cross-section width at water surface [m]
p: cross-section wet contour [m]
cel: wave celerity [m/s]
Reference: Reggiani, P., Todini, E., & Meißner, D. (2016). On mass and momentum conservation in the variable-parameter Muskingum method. Journal of Hydrology, 543, 562–576.
:param y: river water depth [m]
:param s0: river bed slope (tan B)
:param Balv : width of the riverbed [m]
:param ANalv : angle of the riverbed side [rad]
:param Nalv : channel mannings coefficient n for the riverbed [s/m1/3]

alpha = 5.0 / 3.0 # exponent (5/3)

rs0 = np.sqrt(s0)
alpham = alpha - 1.0

# np.where(ANalv < np.pi/2, triang. or trapeiz., rectangular)
# cotangent(angle of the riverbed side - dXdY)
c = np.where(
ANalv < np.pi / 2,
# triangular or trapezoid cross-section
# rectangular cross-section
# sin(angle of the riverbed side - dXdY)
s = np.where(
ANalv < np.pi / 2,
# triangular or trapezoid cross-section
# rectangular corss-section

a = (Balv + y * c) * y # wet area [m2]
b = Balv + 2.0 * y * c # cross-section width at water surface [m]
p = Balv + 2.0 * y / s # cross-section wet contour [m]
q = rs0 / Nalv * a**alpha / p**alpham # steady-state discharge [m3/s]
cel = (q / 3.0) * (5.0 / a - 4.0 / (p * b * s)) # wave celerity [m/s]

return q, a, b, p, cel

def hoV(V, xpix, Balv, ANalv):
"""Water depth h from volume V.
Given a generic river cross-section (rectangular, triangular and trapezoidal) and a river channel volume V,
it calculates the water depth referred to the bottom of the riverbed [m] (y).
Reference: Reggiani, P., Todini, E., & Meißner, D. (2016). On mass and momentum conservation in the variable-parameter Muskingum method. Journal of Hydrology, 543, 562–576.
:param V : volume of water in channel riverbed
:param xpix : dimension along the flow direction [m]
:param Balv : width of the riverbed [m]
:param ANalv : angle of the riverbed side [rad]
y : channel water depth [m]
eps = 1e-6

c = np.where(
ANalv < np.pi / 2, # angle of the riverbed side dXdY [rad]
cotan(ANalv), # triangular or trapezoidal cross-section
) # rectangular cross-section

a = V / xpix # wet area [m2]

# np.where(c < 1.d-6, rectangular, triangular or trapezoidal)
y = np.where(
np.abs(c) < eps,
a / Balv, # rectangular cross-section
(-Balv + np.sqrt(Balv**2 + 4 * a * c)) / (2 * c),
) # triangular or trapezoidal cross-section

return y

def qoV(V, xpix, s0, Balv, ANalv, Nalv):
"""Discharge q from river channel volume V.
Given a generic river cross-section (rectangular, triangular and trapezoidal)
and a water volume (V [m3]), it uses Manning’s formula to calculate the corresponding discharge (q [m3/s]).
Reference: Reggiani, P., Todini, E., & Meißner, D. (2016). On mass and momentum conservation in the variable-parameter Muskingum method. Journal of Hydrology, 543, 562–576.
:param V : volume of water in channel riverbed
:param xpix : dimension along the flow direction [m]
:param s0: river bed slope (tan B)
:param Balv : width of the riverbed [m]
:param ANalv : angle of the riverbed side [rad]
:param Nalv : channel mannings coefficient n for the riverbed [s/m1/3]
y : channel water depth [m]
y = hoV(V, xpix, Balv, ANalv)
q, a, b, p, cel = qoh(y, s0, Balv, ANalv, Nalv)
return q

def cotan(x):
"""There is no cotangent function in numpy"""
return np.cos(x) / np.sin(x)

def rad_from_dxdy(dxdy):
"""Calculate radians"""
rad = np.arctan(1 / dxdy)
# angle = np.rad2deg(rad)
return rad

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