Images for linux/arm64
and linux/amd64
are built on Alpine using OpenJDK 8, available at ecivis/ant-builder.
To execute Apache Ant as a standalone process in a container, mount a project workspace with a build.xml
to be processed and specify a build target.
docker run -v $PWD:/project ecivis/ant-builder:1.9.8
The standard command line options for may be provided as needed:
docker run -v $PWD:/project ecivis/ant-builder:1.9.8 -Dbuild=73 -Dcommit=fd16d0d06d -f build/special.xml clean build archive
The Ant builder can be used in a multi-stage image build to retrieve an artifact from its overlay filesystem.
COPY build.xml ./
COPY src ./src/
RUN ant dist
FROM tomcat:9
# ...
COPY --from=ant /project/dist/app.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps