API microservice, using Python and FastAPI, for testing files against industry schemas. Data validation uses Pandera.
Clone this repo and install Python. From the root directory of this repo, run:
python -m venv ./venv #Create your python virtual environment
. venv/bin/activate
pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade -r requirements.txt #Install project dependancies
cd into the root directory with main.py
uvicorn main:app --reload #Start the Fast API server
Typically hosted at http://localhost:8000
- Fast API endpoints are hosted in main.py in the root directory
- /schemamodels/models contain the Pandera schema model files
- /schemamodels/models/controlled_lists contains the controlled list as a .csv to be updated
- updated or new controlled lists are imported into the relevant Pandera schema
A docker file and github workflow is included within this repository. When a release is created, the docker container is built and submitted to dockerhub.
It is assumed you already have accounts for Dockerhub and Github, along with a Docker instance set up for the built container to run on. If any information is needed on how ecosystem2 handles hosting, please reach to us via our website or email.
- Once logged into Dockerhub, select the downward triangle next to your username on the far right of your screen.
- A dropdown should present itself, use this to enter your account settings
- On the sidebar to the left, Select Security
- To the right of the Access Tokens heading, Click on the blue New Access Token button
- A popup should now appear in the centre of the screen, Set the appropriate description and permissions
- Your new token should now be created, Copy the token
- Below the repository name, in the top left corner of the screen, there is a navigation bar; Select Settings
- You should be presented with a page consisting with a sidbar and the repositories settings, Select Secrets and variables
- With the sub-section expanded, Select Actions
- This section should already have two repository secrets, DOCKER_USERNAME and DOCKER_PASSWORD
- If this is not the case, please add them
- Assuming both secrets are present, Select the pencil icon to edit each secret
- On the left sidebar, Select Releases
- Select Draft New Release
- Type in a new version number into tag field and select "Create new tag on publish".
- Set the target branch to main
- Either type the title and descript manually or select "Generate release notes"
- Press the green button that says "Publish release"
- Wait for the build to complete
Feel free to use the included docker-compose file, please note that it uses Traefik in order to create routes and assign SSL certificates.
Screenshot | Description |
Current state of the webapp. |
- Upload Working example
- Upload Demonstartion video & GIF
- Share with collaborator
Pull requests are appreciated!