A service to create, join and choose seats for tables for formal sit down meals with a seating plan.
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/ecss-soton/table-booking.git
Go to the project directory
cd table-booking
Install dependencies
npm install
Have a PostgreSQL server running
Configure the environment variables. See [Environment Variables]
Sync the database with the local schema
npm run prisma:dbpush
Start the server
npm run start
Or start with auto refresh in development mode
npm run dev
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
A list of these can also be seen in .env.example
NEXTAUTH_SECRET="Random bytes for auth crypto"
NEXTAUTH_URL="Absolute URL of the server"
# University of Southampton Azure AD Tenant ID - Change only if you want to auth with a different tenant ( ie univerisity account etc )
AZURE_AD_CLIENT_SECRET="Your Azure AD OAuth application secret"
AZURE_AD_CLIENT_ID="Your Azure AD OAuth application client id"
SOTON_VERIFY_API_AUTH="API key for soton verify"
TODO Add docker image link with dockerfile
To run tests, run the following command
npm run test
All requests must supply a Authorization
HTTP header in the format: Authorization: TOKEN
Authorization: b583ef41-9c75-41a4-b4ec-19feb0befbd6
Currently, there are no rate limits in place