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Prolog is a processor for Prolog language written in Scala. It is a work in progress. ISO compliance plus support for a string type is the goal.


Family Tree

Here's an example which defines a family tree along with various types of family relationships.

female( anne ).
female( rosie ).
female( emma ).
female( olivia ).
female( mia ).

male( randy ).
male( don ).
male( liam ).
male( logan ).
male( aiden ).

parent( don, randy ).
parent( don, anne ).
parent( rosie, randy ).
parent( rosie, anne ).
parent( liam, don ).
parent( olivia, don ).
parent( liam, mia ).
parent( olivia, mia ).
parent( emma, rosie ).
parent( logan, rosie ).
parent( emma, aiden ).
parent( logan, aiden ).

relation( X, Y ) :- ancestor( A, X ), ancestor( A, Y ), X \= Y.
ancestor( X, Y ) :- parent( X, Y ) ; parent( X, P ), ancestor( P, Y ).

mother( X, Y ) :- female( X ), parent( X, Y ).
father( X, Y ) :- male( X ), parent( X, Y ).
daughter( X, Y ) :- female( X ), parent( Y, X ).
son( X, Y ) :- male( X ), parent( Y, X ).
siblings( X, Y ) :- parent( P, X ), parent( P, Y ), X \= Y.
full_siblings( A, B ) :-
  parent( F, A ), parent( F, B ),
  parent( M, A ), parent( M, B ),
  A \= B, F \= M.
sister( X, Y ) :- female( X ), siblings( Y, X ).
brother( X, Y ) :- male( X ), siblings( Y, X ).
uncle( U, N ) :- male( U ), siblings( U, P ), parent( P, N ).
aunt( A, N ) :- female( A ), siblings( A, P ), parent( P, N ).
grandparent( X, Y ) :- parent( X, P ), parent( P, Y ).
grandmother( X, Y ) :- female( X ), grandparent( X, Y ).
grandfather( X, Y ) :- male( X ), grandparent( X, Y ).

This example is contained in the repo as examples/family_tree. Run the REPL (repeat-evaluate-print-loop) and type

;l examples/family_tree

to load the example. To get a list of all the persons in the family tree who are fathers, type

father( F, _ )*


F = don

F = liam

F = logan

To get the father of 'mia', type

 father( F, mia )


F = liam


This example program shows how to

This program prints


This next example shows how to use Prolog as an executable from the command line.

The above command prints



Use the following definition to use Prolog in your Maven project:



Add the following to your build.sbt file to use Prolog in your SBT project:

resolvers += "Hyperreal Repository" at ""

libraryDependencies += "xyz.hyperreal" %% "prolog" % "0.2"


An executable can be downloaded from here. You do not need the Scala library for it to work because the JAR already contains all dependencies. You just need Java 8+ installed.

Run it as a normal Java executable JAR with the command java -jar prolog-0.2.jar <template> in the folder where you downloaded the file, where template is the name of the template file to be rendered.



  • Java 11
  • SBT 1.2.7+
  • Scala 2.12.8+

Clone and Assemble Executable

git clone git://
cd prolog
sbt assembly

The command sbt assembly also runs all the unit tests.


ISC © 2018 Edward A. Maxedon, Sr.


Prolog language processor written in Scala







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