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Clojure library for using SXML-inspired XML respresentations with JAXP.

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sxml-jaxp is a library of tools for using SXML-inspired XML representations with the Java XML infrastructure. It uses JAXP internally, so it does not depend on any particular XML library, although the author has personally tested it with the OpenJDK default Xerces/Xalan and Saxon 9.1.

Included are tools for reading XML into SXML forms (using SAX), transforming SXML using XSL Transformations as well as converting it back to XML (using the TrAX APIs).

Clojure-flavored SXML

Clojure-flavored SXML uses vectors, keywords, and maps to denote elements, tags, and attributes. [1]

[:item {}
  [:title {} "Memorandum"]
  [:author {} ""]
  [:media/content {:url "",
                   :type "image/jpeg",
                   :height "100",
                   :width "100"}]
  [:description {} "You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake."]
  [:some-other-thing {}]]

Elements take the form [tag attrs & children], where tag is a keyword denoting the element name, attrs is a possibly-empty map of keywords (attribute names) to values (strings), and children is a possibly empty sequence of child nodes, which may be strings or other elements. This is the normalized form.

There is also a simplified form:

  [:title "Memorandum"]
  [:author ""]
  [:media/content {:url "",
                   :type "image/jpeg",
                   :height "100",
                   :width "100"}]
  [:description "You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake."]

In this form, tags may be of the form [tag attrs & children], empty attribute maps can be elided as [tag & children], and elements with no children or attributes may elide the vector altogether, leaving a bare keyword as tag, where tag is a keyword denoting the element name, attrs is a non-empty map of keywords, and children is a non-empty sequence of child nodes.

sxml-jaxp provides the function normalize to convert SXML to normalized form, and simplify to convert to simplified form. Functions generally accept either form (or some mixture), but typically return normalized form.

[1]This is in contrast with the original Scheme SXML which uses lists and symbols for everything.


Here are some examples of using sxml-jaxp for various tasks. We'll assume the following require's:

(require '[sxml-jaxp.core :as core]
         '[sxml-jaxp.sax :as sax]
         '[sxml-jaxp.transform :as xfm]
         '[sxml-jaxp.transform.xslt :as xsl]
         '[ :as io])

Parsing XML to SXML

You can use the sxml-jaxp.sax/read-sxml function to read from some source of XML data and return it in SXML format:

user=> (sax/read-sxml "<greet>Hello world!</greet>")
[:greet {} "Hello world!"]

You can use Reader's, InputStream's, and File's too.

user=> (sax/read-sxml ( "<greet>Hello world!</greet>"))
[:greet {} "Hello world!"]

SXML manipulation helpers

There are several helper functions to allow you to easily access and modify SXML elements and forms.

Access functions

The functions sxml-jaxp.core/tag, attrs, and children allow you to access the components of SXML elements easily.

user=> (def fancy-hello [:greet {:language "en"} "Hello world!"])
user=> (core/tag fancy-hello)
user=> (core/attrs fancy-hello)
{:language "en"}
user=> (core/children fancy-hello)
["Hello world!"]

These are more robust than regular vector access methods, firstly because they work on SXML that might not be normalized:

user=> (def simple-hello [:greet "Hello world!"])
user=> (core/attrs simple-hello)
user=> (core/children simple-hello)
["Hello world!"]

Additionally, they are also XML-namespace-aware. They can help you propagate namespace prefix declarations automatically when navigating, and keep them out of your hair when working with attributes:

user=> (def namespacey-hello
          {:xmlns/hi "" :language "en"}
          [:hi/greet "Hello world!"]])
user=> (core/attrs namespacey-hello)
{:language "en"}
user=> (core/children namespacey-hello)
[[:hi/greet {:xmlns/hi ""} "Hello world!"]]

There is also one other access function specifically for namespace declarations, ns-decls:

user=> (core/ns-decls namespacey-hello)
{:hi ""}

Modification functions

The modification functions are in three groups, and all take an element as their first argument. The first is the alter group, which update an element by applying a function to some portion of it. These are alter-tag, alter-attrs, alter-children and alter-ns-decls:

user=> (core/alter-tag fancy-hello (fn [t] (-> t name .toUpperCase keyword)))
[:GREET {:language "en"} "Hello world!"]
user=> (core/alter-attrs fancy-hello #(assoc % :language "en-US"))
[:greet {:language "en-US"} "Hello world!"]
user=> (core/alter-children namespacey-hello (partial mapcat core/children))
 {:xmlns/hi "", :language "en"}
 "Hello world!"]
user=> (core/alter-ns-decls
         namespacey-hello (fn [nsd] (assoc nsd nil (:hi nsd))))
 {:xmlns/hi "",
  :xmlns "",
  :language "en"}
 [:hi/greet "Hello world!"]]

The second group is the replace group, replace-tag, replace-attrs, replace-children, replace-ns-decls. These are shorthand for altering an element by replacing it with a constant value [2]:

user=> (core/replace-tag fancy-hello :salutation)
[:salutation {:language "en"} "Hello world!"]
user=> (core/replace-children fancy-hello [[:with-feeling "Hello world!!!"]])
[:greet {:language "en"} [:with-feeling "Hello world!!!"]]

The third group is the special group, which contains update-attrs, update-ns-decls, and map-children. These are also shorthand, for altering the attributes or XML namespace declarations by merging a map of new and updated values, like Clojure's merge function. [2]

map-children is similar to alter-children except that it maps the function across each child element in turn, while alter-children calls the function once and passes the entire sequence of children as the parameter.

user=> (core/map-children [:parent :one :two :three [:four "4"]]
                          (comp name core/tag))
[:parent {} "one" "two" "three" "four"]

There are also two tiny combinators for helping construct functions to pass into alter-* and map-children, which are named on-tags and on-text. These work by turning your function into an identity when the type of element passed is not a tag or a text node:

user=> (core/map-children [:parent :one :two :three "surprise"]
                          (comp name core/tag))
ClassCastException java.lang.Character cannot be cast to clojure.lang.Named
clojure.core/name (core.clj:1505)
user=> (core/map-children [:parent :one :two :three "surprise"]
                          (core/on-tags (comp name core/tag)))
[:parent {} "one" "two" "three" "surprise"]
user=> (core/map-children [:parent :one :two :three "surprise"]
                          (core/on-text #(.toUpperCase %)))
[:parent {} :one :two :three "SURPRISE"]
[2](1, 2) They are implemented using the alter- functions with Clojure's constantly and merge functions.

Outputting to XML

The sxml-jaxp.transform/copy! function can be used to copy SXML into various kinds of output "sinks". Here, we'll use a Writer. Notice it returns the thing you passed as the "sink" so you can do more stuff with it:

user=> (.toString (xfm/copy! fancy-hello (
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><greet language=\"en\">Hello world!</greet>"

copy! also recognizes the special sink :string, which is the default when you don't provide a sink. [3] This causes it to return the source as a string of XML:

user=> (xfm/copy! fancy-hello :string)
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><greet language=\"en\">Hello world!</greet>"
user=> (xfm/copy! fancy-hello)
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><greet language=\"en\">Hello world!</greet>"

XSL Transforms

Transformations are performed with the sxml-jaxp.transform/transform! function. This accepts a stylesheet, a source, and a result. I'll use the XSLT DSL (defined in sxml-jaxp.transform.xslt) to create XSLT stylesheets.

user=> (xfm/transform! (xsl/stylesheet "1.0"
                         (xsl/match-template "/once-old"
                           [:new-again (xsl/copy-of "@*|node()")]))
                       [:once-old "Hi!"])
[:new-again {} "Hi!"]

I didn't provide a target for the result, so it defaulted to the special target :sxml [3]. Like copy!, it recognizes the special target :string as well, and you can use any other reasonable object as your result target.

Here's a more complex example, getting a seq of the latest article titles on Ars Technica using their RSS feed:

user=> (def rss-title-tmpl
           (xsl/stylesheet "1.0"
             (xsl/match-template "/rss/channel/item"
               [:link {:title "{title}"}])
             (xsl/match-template "/rss"
               [:items (xsl/apply-templates-to "channel/item")]))))
user=> (with-open [at-rss-in (io/input-stream
         (map (comp :title core/attrs)
              (core/children (xfm/transform! rss-title-tmpl at-rss-in))))
("Forget Amazon’s two-day shipping, soon you can select drone delivery"
 "Why Comcast and other cable ISPs aren’t selling you gigabit Internet"
 "What’s the difference between college-level and corporate programming?"
 "Comet ISON fizzles… but there’s a sting in the tail"
 "Despacio: The 50,000-watt sound system designed for discerning audiophiles"
 "Anti-GMO crop paper to be forcibly retracted"
 "Gallery: Disorienting audiovisual show prepares you for teleportation"
 "Off Siberia’s Arctic coast, the seafloor belches methane"
 "Ars’ resident racer takes a second look at Forza Motorsport 5"
 "Chairs Technica: Where your favorite Ars writers park their rears"
 "Five complaints Ars readers have about OS X Mavericks"
 "Unhappy Thanksgiving for Prenda Law, ordered to pay $261K to defendants"
 "TV news team falls for Facebook doppelgänger scam"
 "Robot Garden 1.0: Putting Click and Grow to the test"
 "Water-repellant surface so efficient that drops bounce back off"
 "Successful killing by stealthy seahorses comes down to their snouts"
 "Tricksy hobbit-sized black hole pretends to be a giant"
 "Ars Technica System Guide: November 2013"
 "Dealmaster Black Friday blowout continues, with updated deals!"
 "Google removes CyanogenMod Installer from Play Store"
 "How to talk your family out of bad consumer electronics purchases"
 "Once-great SSD manufacturer OCZ filing for bankruptcy"
 "Catch up on last-gen gaming with these Black Friday deals"
 "New Linux worm targets routers, cameras, “Internet of things” devices"
 "Elusive Higgs decay channel spotted; particle looks ever more standard")

Here we've pre-compiled our XSL template using compile-template. This can be used if you plan on transforming more than one document with a particular stylesheet. It uses TrAX to compile the template into some object implementing Templates, so that it doesn't have to parse and compile it for every invocation.

[3](1, 2) copy! actually recognizes the :sxml sink also, although I don't know why you'd ever need that; generally you'd want to use sxml-jaxp.sax/read-sxml which bypasses TrAX and reads the input directly with SAX.


The namespace sxml-jaxp.transform.xslt [4] defines a DSL for writing XSL transformation stylesheets in Clojure. This DSL outputs the stylesheets in SXML format. Here's the template we used in the last example:

user=> (xsl/stylesheet "1.0"
         (xsl/match-template "/rss/channel/item"
           [:link {:title "{title}"}])
         (xsl/match-template "/rss"
           [:items (xsl/apply-templates-to "channel/item")]))
 {:xmlns/xsl "", :version "1.0"}
  {:match "/rss/channel/item"}
  [:link {:title "{title}"}]]
  {:match "/rss"}
  [:items [:xsl/apply-templates {:select "channel/item"}]]]]

It does not abstract XSLT very much, except for defining some instructions to accept positional parameters when they are otherwise always required as attributes. For example, <xsl:value-of /> always requires a select attribute, so <xsl:value-of select="foo" /> is written simply (xsl/value-of "foo"). Additional, optional attributes can be added by supplying a map after the positional parameter.

There are a handful of exceptions:

  • <xsl:template /> is actually exposed as two separate functions, match-template and named-template, where the positional argument is the XPath match expression and the template name, respectively, since it is fairly common to specify either one or the other.

  • <xsl:choose />, a particularly contorted and wordy XSLT construct, is exposed as cond*, which looks like an ordinary Clojure cond except that in the predicate position are boolean XPath expressions (which appear in the <xsl:when test="" /> attribute) or :else (for <xsl:otherwise />), and in the consequent position is the contents of the when or otherwise instructions. You can put multiple elements inside the consequent by placing them in a vector, as long as the vector does not start with a keyword:

    user=> (xsl/cond*
             "foo" (xsl/value-of "foo")
             "bar" :bar
             :else [[:foo "bar"] [:baz "baz"]])
     [:xsl/when {:test "foo"} [:xsl/value-of {:select "foo"}]]
     [:xsl/when {:test "bar"} :bar]
     [:xsl/otherwise [:foo "bar"] [:baz "baz"]]]
  • <xsl:if /> is exposed as if*. Beware that it behaves like XSLT <xsl:if /> and does not accept an alternate expression like Clojure's if; all arguments after the condition expression are part of the consequent. (It is more akin to Clojure's when). If you need to express an alternate, use cond*.

  • <xsl:apply-templates /> is exposed as apply-templates for the wildcard case, and apply-templates-to for the selective case. The latter accepts as it's positional parameter the XPath expression appearing in the select attribute.

[4]:use'ing the sxml-jaxp.transform.xslt namespace should be done with caution, as XSLT uses names for several instructions that collide with identically-named Clojure core functions. Use :only, :exclude, or :refer-clojure to control these collisions if you absolutely must :use the XSLT DSL namespace.

XML namespaces

As has been mentioned, sxml-jaxp is XML-namespace-aware. As you've probably guessed from the preceding sections, namespaces on keywords in SXML are interpreted as XML namespace prefixes, e.g. :xsl/stylesheet, :xi/include, or :fo/page-sequence.

Namespace prefix declarations are also specified in an analogous way to XML: using xmlns attributes:

[:html {:xmlns "",
        :xmlns/xi ""}
 [:head [:title "Namespace example"]]
 [:xi/include {:href "body.xml"}]]

These attributes are recognized as namespace prefix declarations and communicated to the various Java XML APIs as required.

Whenever an SXML form is traversed by sxml-jaxp's SAX reader, a map contained in sxml-jaxp.sax/*default-xmlns* is used to resolve un-declared namespace prefixes:

user=> (use '[sxml-jaxp.sax :only [*default-xmlns*]])
user=> (binding [*default-xmlns* {nil "",
                                  :xi ""}]
         (xfm/copy! [:html
                     [:head [:title "Namespace example"]]
                     [:xi/include {:href "body.xml"}]]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><html xmlns=""
      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
      <title>Namespace example</title>
   <xi:include href="body.xml"></xi:include>

Note that for convenience, sxml-jaxp.transform.xslt/stylesheet automatically declares the xsl prefix.

SAX event filters

The sxml-jaxp.sax.filter module allows filters to be inserted which operate on the SAX event seq [5] generated when SXML is fed as input into JAXP. This API is experimental, but an example application of this is the Hiccup filter in sxml-jaxp.sax.filter.hiccup, which allows writing XHTML id and class attributes using Hiccup's shortcut syntax. Here we'll use xfm/copy!'s :sxml target to help make it clearer what's going on:

user=> (use '[sxml-jaxp.sax.filter]
user=> (def hiccup-example
           [:p.example.first "An example"]
           [:p.example "Another example"]]])
user=> (xfm/copy! (filter-with [hiccup] hiccup-example) :sxml)
  {:id "main"}
  [:p {:class "example first"} "An example"]
  [:p {:class "example"} "Another example"]]]

If an :id key appears in an element's attribute map, it overrides the Hiccup-specified one. If a :class key is present in the attribute map, it may be a HTML-style space-delimited string, or a set of strings. The class names so specified are unioned with the Hiccup-specified classes.

user=> (xfm/copy! (filter-with [hiccup]
                    [:div#old {:id "new"}]) :sxml)
[:div {:id "new"}]
user=> (xfm/copy! (filter-with [hiccup]
                    [:div.a.b {:class "b c"}]) :sxml)
[:div {:class "a b c"}]
[5]The SAX event seq format was originally added to decouple SXML traversal from the dirty work of interoperating with the Java SAX API. Perhaps in the future, the SAX event seq format will be available in more parts of the API, to make the filter feature more useful and composable.

SXML precompilation

Here be dragons.

SXML can be "pre-compiled", in a sense, by converting it to SAX event seq format ahead of time. This allows the SAX interop to get better performance by pre-computing the traversal of an oft-used SXML form. The sxml-jaxp.transform APIs all accept this format as input. The easiest way to use this is the sxml-jaxp.sax/compiled-sxml macro, which will pre-compile a literal SXML form at compile time:

user=> (let [a "foo" b "bar" c "baz"]
         (xfm/copy! (sax/compiled-sxml [:root a b [:c c]])))
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><root>foobar<c>baz</c></root>"

It comes in a vanilla function version as well, compile-sxml.

However, there are several caveats in the current implementation (which may be fixable but I haven't thought about it enough):

  • Expressions may be used in the content of a pre-compiled literal, but in the current implementation, they are are fixed as element names when at the head of a vector, and as text nodes anywhere else. They cannot affect the element structure of the resulting document:

    user=> (let [elem :go]
             (xfm/copy! (sax/compiled-sxml [:ready :set elem [elem]])))
    "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><ready><set/>:go<go/></ready>"
    user=> (let [fail [:fail "fail!"]]
             (xfm/copy! (sax/compiled-sxml [:ready :set fail])))
    "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><ready><set/>[:fail \"fail!\"]</ready>"
  • Attributes must be literal maps, but they may contain expressions in the key and value positions. This is probably much easier to fix.

Limitations and future work

  • Currently the SXML parser ignores processing instructions, and there is no way to express a processing instruction in SXML. Advice and suggestions welcome.
  • Add support for interoperating with the clojure.xml data format, and investigate if there is anything interesting to add for traversing SXML with clojure.walk.
  • XPath support would be pretty awesome. This can probably be done by providing some help with feeding SXML into a Document, along with a function to run XPath expressions against it and SXMLify the result.
  • Allow filters to be more composable by separating the SAX parser into two stages, such that an event seq is generated first, and the shift-reduce SXML generation operates on that. Then stream filters can be inserted between them. Currently the SAX handler directly feeds the SXML generator.


sxml-jaxp is Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Kyle Schaffrick.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.


Clojure library for using SXML-inspired XML respresentations with JAXP.






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