Example for a Metropolis-themed RMarkdown-driven LaTeX Beamer presentation.
If you are interested in this, you probably want to look at the binb package which implements Metropolis (and more) directly from RMarkdown.
NB: This dates mostly from 2016. For a more recent and more complete alternative, see binb.
For the last two or so years, I have been using mtheme (and/or a local variant I called 'm2') as well as the newer (renamed to metropolis) release metropolis for all my RMarkdown-based presentations as you can see from my presentations page.
And earlier last year I cleaned this up and wrote myself local Ubuntu packages which are here on Launchpad. I also have two GitHub repos for the underlying .deb package code:
- the pkg-latex-metropolis package for the LaTeX part (which is also in TeXlive in an older version)
- the pkg-fonts-fira for the underlying (free) font (and this sadly cannot build on launchpad as it needs a download step).
An animated gif containing all pages of the very simple example included here follows:
As an aside, creating the gif is trivial, I used
convert -delay 250 -geometry 480x360 beamerPresentation.pdf beamerPresentation.gif
where convert
is a component of imagemagick; you can probably rely on
graphicsmagick too.
This is a somewhat static example which may not get updated over time.
If you are interested in this, you probably want to look at the binb package which implements Metropolis (and more) directly from RMarkdown.
Dirk Eddelbuettel
The aggregation is provided under the GPL (version 2 or later).