Final year project: A research domain project. This applciation allows for upload of research document in .pdf. It extracts all in-text citations in your document and verifies if they follow a selected format. A cool feature is a statistics and issues page that renders your errors as well as the correct version to you.
- Solution URL: [Find the project source code on Github]
-User interface design -
- (
- Live Site URL: Interact with App
- Next JS
- Tailwinds
- Vanilla Css
- Mobile-first workflow
- Typescript - Statically typed JS
- Create an issue
- Clone the repo and create a branch
- Run
npm install
- Create a pull request
- Github - Kwaku Kwadwo Edem Bless
- Twitter - @eDlaWss
- Role- Backend development
-Veronica Amokwandoh
-Role- Frontend development
-Yeboah Bridget
-Role - Project Research -LinkedIn-
-Bernice Gardiner
-Role - User interface design
-Philemon Nyarko
-Role- User documentation.
Thank you to University of Ghana for kick-starting my Tech journey