pyINETA is a Python package for analyzing INADEQUATE NMR spectra.
pyINETA can perform basic tasks such as reading and referencing (using basic shifting) the INADEQUATE spectra and peak picking. It is designed to filter these picked peaks to identify networks of peaks (ideally) coming from the same compound which it then matches to a simulated INADEQUATE database of metabolites to identify metabolites present in the query INADEQUATE spectra.
- Clone this repository locally:
git clone
- Install the required packages. Preferably, if you use anaconda as a package manager, you can create a new environment with the required packages using the provided environment.yml file.
conda env create -f <path_to_pyineta_repo>/environment.yml
- Activate the created environment before running the scripts.
conda activate pyineta
- Run the script with the required options.
python <path_to_pyineta_repo>/ -c config.ini <other options>
For help and options, please run:
python <path_to_pyineta_repo>/ -h
usage: [-h] -c CONFIGFILE [-o OUTDIR] [-s STEPS] [-n NET]
Script to run the INETA pipeline.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Required: A config file with all the options and
parameters required for the INETA run.
-o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
Optional: Full path to the output folder.(Default:
Current folder)
-s STEPS, --steps STEPS
Optional: Specify which steps you want to run. Can be
one of {all,load,pick,cluster,find,match,plot,summary,
singleplot,load+,pick+,cluster+,find+,match+}. Adding
a + to the end of option runs all steps after the
specified step.
-n NET, --net NET Required with -s singlePlot: Specify which Network you
want to plot.
-d DBNAME, --dbname DBNAME
Required with -s singlePlot: Specify which database
metabolite you want to plot.
-f FIGURE, --figure FIGURE
Optional: Generate figures- yes or no. Default: Yes
Inside the example/ folder, 2 examples are provided.
To run this example,
cd <path_to_pyineta_repo>/example/example1/
python ../../ -c config.ini -o example1_output
All outputs will be written to a folder called example1_output
You can cross-check the results with the provided output in folder example1_default_output
Since the input and temporary files are larger than 100 Mb, please contact the Edison lab for getting the raw files to try out example2, if needed. The output files and a config file is provided for reference.