Pull request and issues tracked here: https://github.com/eenewbsauce/circle-image
Official home on NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/package/circle-image
circle-image is based on ImageMagick. You can install it one of the following ways:
On Ubuntu
$ apt-get install ImageMagick
On Mac OS X
$ brew install ImageMagick
On CentOS
$ yum install ImageMagick
npm install circle-image --save
Make sure you have a folder called "uploads" in the root of your node application (ie: app.js). The image (imagepath) dimensions need to be larger than the biggest size specified in imageSizes below.
var images = require('circle-image');
var imageSizes = [125, 100, 30];
//uniqueId param is used to identify a user
//so use the primary key or something guaranteed to be unique
images.execute('imagepath', uniqueId, imageSizes).then(function (paths) {
//array of circularized image paths
console.log(paths[0]); //circle_user_{uniqueId}_125.png