All of the source code for Optimus is open source, and is comprised of the following components:
Optimus Hypervisor
- The Optimus Hypervisor is provided as a host kernel module.
Hardware Monitor
- The hardware monitor is provided as a basic building block (BBB).
Guest Driver
- The guest driver is provided as a guest kernel module, which drives the virtualized accelerator.
Guest Core Library
- The guest core library is embedded in the Intel OPAE SDK.
Guest MPF Library
- MPF is a software/hardware library which provides a group of memory properties such as memory ordering. We have modified the library to support virtual accelerators.
- MemBench, LinkedList, SSSP, and Bitcoin can be found in We additionally include our ports of three benchmarks from HardCloud (grayscale, sobel, and gaussian) in this repository, as these benchmarks required significant changes to run on our platform.
- The hardware portion of the remaining HardCloud benchmarks can be found in The software portion of these benchmarks can be found in Note that the benchmarks are compiled without OpenMP support.
- The synthesis configuration for these benchmarks can be found in
Setup Guide
- Our code is developed and tested using the hardware and software specificed here.
- A step-by-step tutorial is available here to help you build everything from scratch.
- Some scripts we used in our experiment can be found here.
- The definition of Optimus's preemption interface can be found here.
- A brief guide for pass-through setup can be found here.