Latest Release for Many Analysts manuscript
What's Changed
- pkgdown setup by @egouldo in #10
- setup pkgdown:: usethis gh actions workflow by @egouldo in #11
- ensure GH packages are specified under Remotes, not Imports, add missing pkgs by @egouldo in #12
- #13 install libglpk40 to fix igraph install error by @egouldo in #14
- rm magick hex key fn by @egouldo in #15
- add R CMD INSTALL to pkgdown gha #16 by @egouldo in #17
- 18 r cmd check DESCRIPTION remotes by @egouldo in #20
- #21 try specify gh deployment differently by @egouldo in #22
- Add draft JOSS manuscript by @egouldo in #26
- Create functions implementing summary tables by @egouldo in #27
- Use logo.png in README to prevent double logo rendering in pkgdown [skip ci] by @egouldo in #28
- #31 correct BT beta signs by @egouldo in #32
- renv updates by @egouldo in #34
- Ensure inverse weights applied #35 by @egouldo in #36
- add funs and document for weight investigation by @egouldo in #37
- Add post-hoc analysis exploring removal of collinear analyses by @egouldo in #39
- Investigate and fix rating analysis weights by @egouldo in #42
- Add files via upload by @parkerth in #44
- fix #43 update master_data.csv by @egouldo in #46
- Add files via upload by @parkerth in #47
- Revert "Add files via upload" by @egouldo in #48
- Fix #45 rm duplicate ids by @egouldo in #49
- Close #24 mv descriptive stats code into package by @egouldo in #50
- fix box cox folded computation by @egouldo in #52
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v2.1.0