Web application with to upload images to a server.
git clone https://github.com/alextrastero/drag-king.git
cd drag-king
npm install
npm start
Navigate to http://YOUR_IP:8000 to see the action.
The server supports also permission for user.
"max" : {
"pw" : "c8bd0177e53c5d2fec5d7e8cba43c505", // 'ente'
"fullName" : "Max Mustermann"
.user-permission.json It exists three roles default, maintainers and admins. All users which are allowed to login and not in the following group have default permissions.
"admins" : ["fred"],
"maintainers": ["max", "bob"]
For some console tools the dragKing support also a REST interface with the following REST endpoints:
The most of the REST endpoint supporting BASIC auth. It gives permission to the user which are listed in the ".allowedUsers.json"
Upload a file
The data are the file content and a request param folder to specify the folder location
curl -F data=@fileName.json http://name:password@dragKing.de/uploadFile?folder=/tmp/someFiles
Delete a file
The request param filename to specify the file to delete
curl -d '' http://name:password@dragKing.de/deleteFile?filename=/tmp/text.txt
Lists all files inside a specific folder.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/text" -d '/path/to/folder' http://dragKing.de/getFiles
Lists all folders inside a specific folder.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/text" -d '/path/to/folder' http://dragKing.de/getFolders
- deliver image preview as thumbnail
complete refactoring of the application
- adding typescript files (client)
- ui redesign
- feature improvements
- folder description
- file search
- upload progress
- login
- ...
- provide default 404 file (configurable via fourOFourFile property)
- support folder names with a dot inside
- support /_/ls/ ** add following a path the server result will be a JSON array with all containing files ** support request parameter ?ext=jpg to filter for jpg files
- allow and support basic auth for REST deleteFiles and uploadFiles
- improve error handling for POST calls
TODO: server side code needs to be refactored ...comming soon