This is a sample project for Fried-Fame offering a complete VPN functioanlity in the form of a C# desktop application.
Video installation-guide coming sooon.
- Secure web API to your Fried-Fame web front.
- OpenVPN Tunneling with realtime data reports.
- Secure session storage system.
- Update checks.
- Task-Tray icon
The build-guide for this project is fairly straight forward. That is the primary objective for the Fried-Fame project, to allow you to easily create your own VPN service wih relative ease.
- Visual Studio with .NET 4.7 support.
- Inno Setup (Optional)
To update the branding of the VPN, you will need to update the following images.
Most branding shown to the user within the VPN client, will be fetched from your deployment of fried-fame. There is also branding properties within Project Properties that cannot be fetched from your deployment of Fried-Fame, so they will need to be manually configured. Follow the following steps:
Open project in Visual Studio.
Navigate to Project -> fried-fame-client-windows Properties
Click "Assembly Information"
(Optional) Take note of the version for later - Default is likely
Fill the fields displayed
Click "OK"
Close tab
There is a C# Script entitled "Constants.cs" which contains a critcal variable that points to your deployment of Fried-Fame. All information communicates are built off of this web address.
Open project in Visual Studio
On the right of your screen, find "Solution Explorer"
Exapand "fried-fame-client-windows". You will be able to see several files.
Click and open "Constants.cs"
By default, the variable "REMOTE_CONTEXT" is configured to point to a test deployment of Fried-Fame ( We will configure this to our API.
You will want to replace REMOTE_CONTEXT content with "". Replate with YOUR domain. You may need to remove "website_prefix" DEPENDING if you installed fried-fame in the ROOT of your website, or otherwise adjust it to your installation directory.
Server API has been updated.
In debug mode, it skips administrative checks just to ensure the front-end is wokring. VPN Connectivity may not be functioanl in debug mode.
Open porject in Visual Studio
Seelct whether you want a release or debug build. For publishing this to Fried-Fame website, we heavily suggest RELEASE.
To build, click Build -> Build Solution OR ctrl+shift+b
Project output will be located ./fried-fame-client-windows/bin/Release/ or ../Debug
To build the installation file, you will need Inno Setup.
Open "setup generator.iss" located in project root.
Adjust macros up top appropriately. Namely MyAppName, MyAppVersion, MyAppPublisher, MyAppURL etc.
Important to note, that changing MyAppExeName WILL result in errors UNLESS you modify the executable name located in
to match. You will need to modify the file name every time you compile the project as release. -
Ensure MyAppVersion matches the version of the C# prject settings.
Navigate to Build -> Compile OR press ctrl+f9 to build project.
Your setup file can be found
Deployment process is entierly manual at this projects current state. In the future, scripts making use of InternalAPI may be implemented.
Please see "Building Project" for information on building the installer.
Navigate to your deployment of Fried-Fame as an Administrator account.
Go to your control panel
On the side-bar, select "New Package"
Select platform "Windows"
Enter the version mentioned above. ENSURE THE VERSION IS CONSISTENT ACROSS PROJECT-PROPERTIES, INSTALLATION BUILDING, AND HERE. If it is not consistent, it WILL result in a bad user experience.
Select the package you wish to upload. The package SHOULD be the installation file built above, it can be found at
. -
Submit and your deployment has been created.
If you get this error while deploying a version, check the following: