Gem to import Duke methods and webchat for an Ekylibre farm. Duke currently handles harvest receptions (viti) and vegetal/viti interventions
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'duke', git: '', branch: 'dev' # for dev branch
gem 'duke', git: '', branch: 'master' # for prod branch
gem 'duke', path: '../ekylibre-duke' # for local dev
And then execute:
$ bundle
Create an account for external API uses
These steps are only to be done if you’re not part of Ekylibre developers
a. Create a new instance of Watson-Assistant & a new assistant (3 month free)
b. Clone Gitlab ekylibre-duke repo
c. On your newly created assistant, import skill from
If you change skills on IBM Watson, you have to backup all skills and save it into ekylibre-duke.json
Create a new cognitive resource & enable Speech services & store keys
Ekylibre uses dotenv locally.
$ touch .env (at the root of your ekylibre clone)
Add following environment variables
- Redirect your IBM webhooks requests to your ekylibre server
Locally :
Install ngrok & execute below command:
$ ./ngrok http -host-header=TENANT.ekylibre.lan PORT
Example 1 : ./ngrok http -host-header=demo.ekylibre.lan 3000
Example 2 : ./ngrok http -host-header=entredeuxterres.ekylibre.lan 3000
Then go locally inside your Gem to app/controllers/duke/duke_webchat_controller.rb and change your user_url line 36 in the user_defined method with
user_url: "https://YOUR_NGROK_HTTPS_URL/dukewatson"
instead of
user_url: "#{request.protocol}#{}/dukewatson"
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub in this repository