Maybe monad implementation for Ruby
puts Maybe(User.find_by_id("123")).username.downcase.or_else { "N/A" }
=> # puts downcased username if user "123" can be found, otherwise puts "N/A"
gem install possibly
require 'possibly'
first_name = Maybe(deep_hash)[:account][:profile][:first_name].or_else { "No first name available" }
Maybe monad is a programming pattern that allows to treat nil values that same way as non-nil values. This is done by wrapping the value, which may or may not be nil
to, a wrapper class.
The implementation includes three different classes: Maybe
, Some
and None
. Some
represents a value, None
represents a non-value and Maybe
is a constructor, which results either Some
, or None
Maybe("I'm a value") => #<Some:0x007ff7a85621e0 @value="I'm a value">
Maybe(nil) => #<None:0x007ff7a852bd20>
Both Some
and None
implement four trivial methods: is_some?
, is_none?
, get
and or_else
Maybe("I'm a value").is_some? => true
Maybe("I'm a value").is_none? => false
Maybe(nil).is_some? => false
Maybe(nil).is_none? => true
Maybe("I'm a value").get => "I'm a value"
Maybe("I'm a value").or_else { "No value" } => "I'm a value"
Maybe(nil).get => RuntimeError: No such element
Maybe(nil).or_else { "No value" } => "No value"
In addition, Some
and None
implement Enumerable
, so all methods available for Enumerable
are available for Some
and None
Maybe("Print me!").each { |v| puts v } => it puts "Print me!"
Maybe(nil).each { |v| puts v } => puts nothing
Maybe(4).map { |v| Math.sqrt(v) } => #<Some:0x007ff7ac8697b8 @value=2.0>
Maybe(nil).map { |v| Math.sqrt(v) } => #<None:0x007ff7ac809b10>
Maybe(2).inject(3) { |a, b| a + b } => 5
None().inject(3) { |a, b| a + b } => 3
All the other methods you call on Some
are forwarded to the value
Maybe("I'm a value").upcase => #<Some:0x007ffe198e6128 @value="I'M A VALUE">
Maybe(nil).upcase => None
Maybe implements threequals method #===
, so it can be used in case expressions:
value = Maybe([nil, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].sample)
case value
when Some
puts "Got Some: #{value.get}"
when None
puts "Got None"
If the type of Maybe is Some, you can also match the value:
value = Maybe([nil, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].sample)
case value
when Some(0)
puts "Got zero"
when Some((1..3))
puts "Got a low number: #{value.get}"
when Some((4..6))
puts "Got a high number: #{value.get}"
when None
puts "Got nothing"
For more complicated matching you can use Procs and lambdas. Proc class aliases #=== to the #call method. In practice this means that you can use Procs and lambdas in case expressions. It works also nicely with Maybe:
even? = ->(a) { a % 2 == 0 }
odd? = ->(a) { a % 2 != 0 }
value = Maybe([nil, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].sample)
case value
when Some(even?)
puts "Got even value: #{value.get}"
when Some(odd?)
puts "Got odd value: #{value.get}"
when None
puts "Got None"
Maybe implements the threequals method in a way which allows it to be used in case expressions pretty neatly: You can match both the type (None
or Some
) and the value of Some
. It almost feels like pattern matching in functional language. However, there's one big shortcoming. Ruby doesn't allow binding the value of Some
to a variable, so you must use the get
method to do that. The following does not work in Ruby:
case apples
when Some(1)
puts "one apple"
when Some(x)
puts "#{x} apples"
when None
puts "Unknown number of apples"
Instead, you have to use get
, which is cubersome:
case apples
when Some(1)
puts "one apple"
when Some
x = apples.get
puts "#{x} apples"
when None
puts "Unknown number of apples"
To workaround this limitation, Maybe implements a method case_of
, which internally uses case expression:
apples.case_of(Some(1)) { |_| puts "1 apple" }
apples.case_of(Some(Integer)) { |x| puts "#{x} apples" }
apples.case_of(None) { |_| puts "Unknown number of apples" }
- apples.case_of(Some(1)) do
= "1 apple"
- apples.case_of(Some(Integer)) do |x|
= puts "#{x} apples"
- apples.case_of(None) do
= "Unknown number of apples"
Instead of using if-clauses to define whether a value is a nil
, you can wrap the value with Maybe()
and threat it the same way whether or not it is a nil
Without Maybe():
user = User.find_by_id(user_id)
number_of_friends = if user && user.friends
With Maybe():
number_of_friends = Maybe(User.find_by_id(user_id)).friends.count.or_else { 0 }
Same in HAML view, without Maybe():
- if @user && @user.friends
= @user.friends.count
- else
= Maybe(@user).friends.count.or_else { 0 }
rspec spec/spec.rb