New Constant Buffer Extraction Guide on the Wiki
Reshade 5.8+ addon to apply Reshade effects to render targets bound before specific, user-configurable, groups of shaders are encountered within a game's rendering pipeline.
It's mainly for 64bit reshade. There's a 32bit version in the releases, but it's not actively maintained/tested.
DX12 and Vulkan support is mostly untested and probably pretty bad.
Place the ReshadeEffectShaderToggler.addon
in the same folder as where the game exe is located. This is in most cases the same folder as where the Reshade 5.8+ dll
is located. For Unreal Engine powered games there might be two
game exe's: one in the game's installation folder, and one in a folder deeper into that folder, e.g.
; the shader toggler addon has to be in that second folder, in our example:
. Reshade has to be placed in that folder as well.
Be sure to use the Reshade version which supports Addons (so the unsigned version). When you start your game, the Addons
tab in
the Reshade gui should show the ReshadeEffectShaderToggler information and controls.
To create a toggle for a set of shaders, open the reshade gui and go to the addon's tab -> Reshade Effect Shader Toggler area. Then click
the New
button to create a new Toggle group. By default the new toggle group has as name Default
and no toggle key.
To change these, click the Edit
button of the Toggle Group. You can then change the name of the toggle group
and also add a keyboard shortcut. The keyboard shortcut nor the name have to be unique. The keyboard shortcut can be
any key on your keyboard, optionally in combination of using Alt
, Control
, and Shift
A toggle group needs shaders assigned to it, that's done with marking shaders below.
Each shader group can be assigned a subset of all Reshade effects. These are rendered in the order the shader groups are encountered while
rendering the frame, though the order of rendering within a shader groups corresponds to the global order you've set up in Reshade.
To configure effects, click the Change Effects
button in the shader group. A window should pop up with a table showing all effects. The naming
is based on the technique names specified within the effects themselves instead of the actual effect names, in doubt open the
effect shader file and double check.
Shader group effect rendering is based on the following principles:
A single shader group that has no effects assigned, if active, will render all effects enabled in Reshade that have not yet been rendered by previous shader groups
If an effect is assigned to multiple shader groups, it will only be rendered by the first shader group encountered.
Only effects enabled in the global Reshade effect list will be rendered, no matter what is assigned to the shader groups.
To finish editing either press the window's
button on the top right or press theDone
button in the shader group.Note that this may lead to discrepancies between what is enabled in Reshade and what is actually rendered. If at least one shader group is enabled, it will render only effects applicable to those shader groups, i.e., potentially not all globally enabled effects will be rendered.
To successfully be able to mark a set of shaders to toggle, be sure the elements you want to toggle, so the elements
using the shaders, are visible, e.g. a menu or a hud or a certain effect. If possible, enable something like an ambient occlusion
shader in it's debug mode to better see what is rendered on top of it. In case you have multiple shader groups with different assigned
effects, it might make sense to assign this shader to shader group you're editing. After you've made sure the elements to toggle are
visible, click the Change Shaders
button of the toggle group. This will start the 'Shader hunting' phase for the particular
toggle group.
You should see the shader overlay in the top left corner with the information you need. By default it waits a certain amount of frames (which you can configure in the reshade overlay) to see which shaders are currently active. This is to avoid having to walk through potentially thousands of shaders which aren't currently used.
After the frames have been collected, it has enough information to allow you to browse the shaders.
To walk the available pixel shaders, use the Numpad 1
and Numpad 2
keys. If an element is rendered on top of your test effect,
the shader that's currently 'active' is rendering these elements, so if you want to render effects before these elements,
press Numpad 3
. The shader is then marked, and part of the toggle group. Press Numpad 3
again to remove it from the group.
To walk all shaders you already marked in the current group, you can hold down Ctrl
and press Numpad 1
and Numpad 2
to quickly
move back/forth through the shaders in a group, e.g. when you made a mistake and you want to unmark a shader.
To walk the available vertex shaders, instead use the Numpad 4
and Numpad 5
keys. To mark a vertex shader to be
part of the toggle group, press Numpad 6
Same for vertex shaders: to walk all shaders you already marked in the current group, you can hold down Ctrl
and press Numpad 4
and Numpad 5
to quickly move back/forth through the shaders in a group.
To test your current group, press the toggle key you assigned to the group or toggle the Active
checkbox. When you're done, click the 'Done' button in the
reshade overlay for the particular toggle group.
To re-use this information the next time you run the game, click the Save toggle group button. This will write an ini file
) with the information to create the set of shaders to toggle next time you start the game. This file is
located in the same folder as ReshadeEffectShaderToggler.addon
- Sinom
Contributor - Frans Bouma
Original ShaderToggler - crosire
Reshade and example code of effect rendering - Marty McFly
Constant buffer extraction idea - darkarchan
Testing, contribution - lobotomyx
Constant Buffer Extraction Sample/Guide