Display 3D models with the help of shortcode:
to use the Babylon Viewer v2 in Wordpress posts and pages, Woocommerce products, Elementor blocks etc.
Supports GLTF, GLB, STL, OBJ+MTL files upload and demonstration as a viewing experience for 3D models. All aspects of this experience are configurable. If you need more control, you may use tag in any Wordpress HTML block and configure all needed parameters with JS.
Supports models from external URLs.
Doesn't write any data to WP database.
Demo: https://viewer.babylonpress.org/
- Download the latest zip from Github repository.
- Standard WordPress plugin installation: go to Plugins -> Add New – upload .zip file. If you use older version of this plugin, first deactivate it and delete. Plugin doesn't contain any user data.
- Activate the plugin.
- Upload 3D file in GLTF, GLB, STL, OBJ+MTL format. If you upload OBJ file, make sure to upload corresponding MTL file too. Or use external URL - link to the 3D file.
- Publish in WordPress posts and pages, Woocommerce products, Elementor blocks etc with the help of shortcode: [babylonviewer]Url-Of-3D-File[/babylonviewer] Make sure there are no spaces between URL and shortcode brackets[babylonviewer]URL[/babylonviewer].
- Another option is to publish 3D files with the standard WordPress HTML block and have more ways to configure Babylon Viewer. You may adjust all needed parameters (light, camera position, camera behaviour, rotating etc), create our own Viewer instance, change UI etc.
Just put it into standard Wordpress Shortcode Gutenberg block and publish:
Just put it into standard Wordpress HTML Gutenberg block and publish:
<babylon-viewer source="https://playground.babylonjs.com/scenes/BoomBox.glb" environment="https://unpkg.com/@babylonjs/viewer@preview/assets/photoStudio.env"></babylon-viewer>
Read more about Babylon Viewer v2 settings at https://doc.babylonjs.com/features/featuresDeepDive/babylonViewer/
Viewer v2 Source - https://github.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/tree/master/packages/public/@babylonjs/viewer-alpha
Wordpress Demo: https://viewer.babylonpress.org/
Version number one.
CDN link changed to jsdelivr.