A collection of Craft CMS macros and components I frequently use on projects. Feel free to use, alter and extend. Suggestions are welcome.
I usually set the macro include in a first level template like _router.html
from where I delegated all my pages and set macros
as a parameter on includes:
{# _router.html or another first level template #}
{% set macros = 'partials/_/_macros.html' %}
{% set notfound = '404' %}
{% include ['pages/' ~ entry.type.handle, notfound] with { macros: macros } %}
In the page template I just import the macros and inherit it to the components:
{# page.html #}
{% import macros as helper %}
{# Macro: macros/include.twig #}
{{helper.include('modules', 'hero', {
image: entry.image.one() ?? null,
macros: macros
The _macros.html
or .twig:
{% macro myMacro(param) %}
{# Do something here #}
{% endmacro %}
Itsa MIT!