All hex numbers must be in format (examples):
0x000f #word
0x0f #byte
mov registry, hex ;the size must match
mov ax, 0x000f
mov bh, 0x0f
mov cx, 0x695d
mov cl, ch
#Addressing modes from memory to registry
#Displacement in hexademical!
mov registry, [bp] #or bx
mov registry, [bp+hex] #or bx
mov registry, [si+hex] #or di
mov registry, [bp+si+hex] #or bx/di
mov ax, [bp]
mov bx, [bp+0x0f]
mov cx, [di+0x1234]
mov dx, [bx+si+0x01]
#addressing modes from registry to memory
mov [bp], registry #or bx
mov [bp+hex], registry #or bx
mov [si+hex], registry #or di
mov [bp+si+hex], registry #or bx/di
mov [bp], ax
mov [bx+0x0005], bx
mov [di+0x02], cx
mov [bp+si+0xfd], dx
#exchange between registers, or from memory to register and vice-versa
xchg registry, registry #the size must match
xchg registry, [mem] #mem is offset
xchg [mem], registry #mem is offset
xchg ax, bx
xchg ax, [bp]
xchg [bp+0x0001], ax
#uses stack pointer register (SP)
push registry #only words
pop registry #only words
push ax
pop cx