This is a theme for Vim and Neovim, with sober colors (at least for me), hence the name. It has support for italic fonts, too. The font used in the screenshots is Victor Mono. At the moment, I only tested it in Neovim, but I think it should work with Vim as well. For the best experience, make sure your terminal supports at least 256 colors.
To use it, follow these steps:
- Copy the
file to your colors directory, usually~/.config/nvim/colors/
for Neovim or./vim/colors/
for Vim. - Set the color scheme:
:colorscheme sobrio
. - ???
- Profit!
Add this repo in the Vim-Plug section of your config file:
call plug#begin()
Plug 'elvessousa/sobrio'
call plug#end()
After sourcing the file (or restarting the editor), run :PlugInstall
and restart Vim/Neovim.
Add this repo in the Vundle section of your config file:
call vundle#begin()
Plugin 'elvessousa/sobrio'
call vundle#end()
After sourcing the file (or restarting the editor), run :PluginInstall
and restart Vim/Neovim.
Add this repo in the Vundle section of your config file:
call neobundle#begin()
NeoBundleFetch 'elvessousa/sobrio'
call neobundle#end()
After sourcing the file (or restarting the editor), run :NeoBundleInstall
and restart Vim/Neovim.
If you want to make it your default, just add this line to your init.vim
or .vimrc
colorscheme sobrio
- Copy the
file to your NVIM airline themes directory, usually~/.config/nvim/autoload/airline/themes/
- Set the color scheme:
:AirlineTheme sobrio
If you want to make your default Airline theme, add this to your init.vim
let g:airline_theme='sobrio'
Take care!