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Arduino library for controlling pinball lighting effects (and other Mods) using the pinduino board

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The pinduino library is used to control LEDs (and other mods) on pinball machines using an arduino-based board called the Pinduino.

Additional Documents


Ironman LED ramps gameplay

Ironman interactive LED ramps

Tron LED ramps gameplay

Tron interactive LED ramps

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Threatre of Magic

General framework

#include <pinduino.h>

//There are two version of the pinduino:
// v0.2 which uses an arduino Mega, controls 3 addressable LED strips and 4 12V RGB LED strips, 
//   and adapts to many pinball power driver boards by the use of wiring harnesses
// v0.3 which uses an arduino Nano, controls 2 addressable LED strips, and has configurations for
//   WPC, Stern SAM, and Stern Whitestar power driver boards

//Initialize the number of addressable LEDs for outputs
int aLEDNum1 = 50;
int aLEDNum2 = 50;
int aLEDNum3 = 0;

//initialize the pinduino object, specify "Mega" or "Nano" for the arduino
pinduino pd (aLEDNum1, aLEDNum2, aLEDNum3, "Nano");

//This is for the background attact mode when the game is not being played
int bg_chase_on = 0;

unsigned long timeLastEvent = 0; // time last event was last triggered

int startChaseWaitTime = 20000; //Amount of time to wait before chase lights start up again 1000 == 1 second

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(115200); // if you want to monitor what the pinduino is sensing from the game

void loop(){
  for (int i = 0; i < 500; i = i + 1) { //check pinstates for a while
    pd.pinState()->update(); // checks and records pinball machine activity (flashers, magnets, motors, coils, etc)

//   Print the pin states out to serial 
//  pd.pinState()->print(); // uncomment if you want to print out the states of the pinball machine

  checkPinStates(); // checks to see if there has been activity on a pinball circuit and then runs a lighting effect

  //if there hasn't been activity for a while, assume game is in attract mode
  if (millis()-timeLastEvent > startChaseWaitTime) {bg_chase_on=1;}

  //run attract function
  if (bg_chase_on){backgroundChase();}

void checkPinStates(){
  int trigger =0; //this flag is set to one if anything lighting effect was triggered.
  //check to see if anything happened on pin 1 of J126 (WPC)
  if ( pd.pinState()->J126(1) ){
//...repeat for other pins//

 // there was an event, reset things
 if (trigger) {
   trigger =0;
   bg_chase_on = 0;
   timeLastEvent = millis();
//end function checkPinStates

//attract mode 
void backgroundChase() {
  // .... do stuff .... ///

Functions for controlling 5V Addressable RGB strips

These functions are accessed using the addressable LED object (adrLED) Normally called:


Many functions take in color parameters. Color parameters can be specified in two way:

  • RGB (red, green, blue) values
  • By color name.
  • Valid color names are (case insensitive): red, green, blue, yellow, cyan, purple, white, orange, lime, sky, mint, magenta, lavender

There are usually two types of each function. One for using RGB values and one for using color names.

Time: Time is in milliseconds, so time = 1000 means 1 second

Direction (dir): direction of effect. 1 is from input to end (of LED strip); -1 is end to input

// Clear the strip of all colors
void clear();
Example: pd.adrLED1()->clear();

//fade out strip (fades strip to all LEDs off)
void fadeOut(float steps);
Example: pd.adrLED1()->fadeOut(200);

//color the entire strip some color (brightness is a value between 1-255)
//note: I’ve seen problems when brightness is set to 0 and the LEDs not working afterwards
void color(String color, int brightness);
Example: pd.adrLED1()->color("red", 255);

//If you want to specify by R, G, B values between 0-255
void colorRGB(int r, int g, int b, int brightness);
Example: pd.adrLED1()->colorRGB(255, 0, 0, 255);

// fade in strip to given color by color name
void fadeIn(String color, float time);
Example: pd.adrLED1()->fadeIn("red", 1000);

//fade in strip to given color by color RGB values
void fadeInRGB(int r, int g, int b, float time);
Example: pd.adrLED1()->fadeInRGB(255, 0, 0, 255);  

//fade strip from color 1 to color 2 by color names
void fadeColor2Color(String color1, String Color2, float time);
Example: pd.adrLED1()->fadeColor2Color("red", "yellow", 1000);

//fade strip from color 1 to color 2 by RGB values
void fadeRGB2RGB(float r1, float g1, float b1, float r2, float g2, float b2, float time);
Example: pd.adrLED1()->fadeRGB2RGB(255,0,0, 255,255,0, 1000);

//create a band of color with the middle at position pos of size span.  Colors are RGB and fade towards ends of band.  Note:  This is RARELY used directly
void RGBBand(int pos, int r, int g, int b, int span);
Example: pd.adrLED1()->RGBBand(10, 255,0,0, 10);
//create a moving band of light from one of the strip to the other that changes from color1 to color2 (RGB values).  dir is the direction of the light (which end it begins); span is the size of the band (values 1 for input to end; -1 for end to input)
void chase2RGB(float r1, float g1, float b1, float r2, float g2, float b2, float span, int time, int dir);
Example: pd.adrLED1()->chase2RGB(255,0,0, 255,255,0, 10, 1000, 1);

// same as chase2RGB but uses color names
void chase2Color(String color1, String color2, float span, int time, int dir);
Example: pd.adrLED1()->chase2Color("red", "yellow", 10, 1000, 1);

//same as chase2RGB but for one color
void chaseRGB(int r, int g, int b, int span, int time, int dir);
Example: pd.adrLED1()->chaseRGB(255,0,0, 10, 1000, 1);

//same as chaseRGB, but uses color name
void chase(String color, float span, int time, int dir);
Example: pd.adrLED1()->chase("red", 10, 1000, 1);

//create two moving bands of light from position pos that changes from color 1 to color2 (RGB values). dir is the direction of the light (which end it begins); span is the size of the band
void chase2RGBFromPoint(int pos, float r1, float g1, float b1, float r2, float g2, float b2, int span, int time);
Example: pd.adrLED1()->chase2RGBFromPoint(20, 255,0,0, 255,255,0, 10, 1000);

//same as chase2RGBFromPoint, but uses color names
void chase2ColorFromPoint(int pos, String color1, String color2, int span, int time);
Example: pd.adrLED1()->chase2ColorFromPoint(20, "red", "yellow", 10, 1000);

//starting a position pos, fill the entire strip with light to both ends.  Color changes from color 1 to color2 (RGB values)
void spreadInFromPoint2RGB (int pos, float r1, float g1, float b1, float r2, float g2, float b2, int time);
Example: pd.adrLED1()->spreadInFromPoint2RGB(10, 255,0,0, 255,255,0, 1000);

//same as spreadInFromPoint2RGB, but uses color names
void spreadInFromPoint2Color (int pos, String color1, String color2, int time);
Example: pd.adrLED1()->spreadInFromPoint2Color(20, "red", "yellow", 1000);

// same as spreadInFromPoint2RGB, but remains one color (RGB value)
void spreadInFromPointRGB (int pos, float r, float g, float b, int time);
Example: pd.adrLED1()->spreadInFromPointRGB(20, 255,0,0, 1000);

//same as spreadInFromPointRGB, but uses color name
void spreadInFromPoint (int pos, String color, int time);
Example: pd.adrLED1()->spreadInFromPoint(20, "red", 1000);

//with the strip already colored, turn off LEDs starting at position pos and spreading to the ends of the strip
void spreadOutFromPoint (int pos, float time);
Example: pd.adrLED1()->spreadOutFromPoint(50, 1000);
//with the stirp already colored, turn off LEDs start at ends of the stip and spreading to position pos
void spreadOutToPoint (int pos, float time);
Example: pd.adrLED1()->spreadOutToPoint(50, 1000);
//create a splash of color (RGB values) at position pos for width span
void explosionRGB(int pos, int r, int g, int b, int span);  
Example: pd.adrLED1()->explosion(255, 0, 0, 5);

//same as explosionRGB but uses color name
void explosion(int pos, String color, int span);
Example: pd.adrLED1()->explosion(20, "red", 5);
Means:  Do explosion effect for LED strip 1 at position 10th LED, color red, span (size of explosion) 5 LEDs

void chase2RGBCont(float r1, float g1, float b1, float r2, float g2, float b2, float span, int time, int dir, int startLED, int endLED);
void chase2ColorCont(String Color1, String Color2, float span, int time, int dir, int startLED, int endLED);
void chaseColorCont(String color, float span, int time, int dir, int startLED, int endLED);
void RGBBandCont(int pos, int r, int g, int b, int span, int startLED, int endLED);
void RGBBullet(int pos, int r, int g, int b, int span, int dir);
void RGBBulletCont(int pos, int r, int g, int b, int span, int dir);
void bullet2RGB(float r1, float g1, float b1, float r2, float g2, float b2, float span, int time, int dir);
void bullet2Color(String color1, String color2, float span, int time, int dir);
void bulletRGB(int r, int g, int b, int span, int time, int dir);
void bullet(String color, float span, int time, int dir);
void bulletFromPoint2RGB(float r1, float g1, float b1, float r2, float g2, float b2, float span, int time, int start_pos);
void bulletFromPoint2Color(String color1, String color2, float span, int time, int start_pos);
void bulletFromPointRGB(int r, int g, int b, int span, int time, int start_pos);
void bulletFromPoint(String color, float span, int time, int start_pos);
	  void multiBullet2RGB(float r1, float g1, float b1, float r2, float g2, float b2, float span, int time, int dir, int num);
void multiBullet2Color(String color1, String color2, float span, int time, int dir, int num);
void multiBulletRGB(int r, int g, int b, int span, int time, int dir, int num);
void multiBullet(String color, float span, int time, int dir, int num);
void RGBMatrix(int rows, int r, int g, int b, int span, int dir);
void Matrix2RGB(float r1, float g1, float b1, float r2, float g2, float b2, float span, int time, int dir);
void Matrix2Color(String color1, String color2, float span, int time, int dir);
void sparkle (String color, int density, int speed);
void sparkle (String color, int speed);
void sparkleRGB (int r, int g, int b, int speed);
void sparkleRGB (int r, int g, int b, int density, int speed);
void marqueeRGB (int r, int g, int b, int span, int dist, int speed, int dir);
void dataStreamRGB(int r, int g, int b, int density, int speed, int dir);
void dataStream(String color, int density, int speed, int dir);
void dataStreamNoTailRGB(int r, int g, int b, int density, int speed, int dir);
void dataStreamNoTail(String color, int density, int speed, int dir);
void dataStreamNoTail2RGB(float r1, float g1, float b1, float r2, float g2, float b2, int density, int speed, int dir);
void dataStreamNoTail2Color(String color1, String color2, int density, int speed, int dir);

Function to control relays and tranistors

The pinduino can be used to control a relay or transistor through one of the LED ports. The center channel can be set hi/low (rather than being used to send data to addressable LEDs). A common use case for doing this would be to turn on/off a shaker motor. Since shaker motors run at 12V, a relay or transistor is needed to isolate the power to the motor from the controlling circit from the pinduino. To use the output ports of a pinduino for this case:



Arduino library for controlling pinball lighting effects (and other Mods) using the pinduino board







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