A great Arduino library to communicate with the DSP-7S04H 7 segment 4 digit 2.3" display from Embedded Adventures
The Arduino sample sketches show the minimum functions necessary to drive the DSP-7S04H display.
The first function to call, which sets the I2C address to use for communication. Default address is defined in the header file - 0x32
A test function is included in the display's firmware. This can be executed using the function and passing a "1", and "0" to turn it off.
void setTestMode(uns8 on);
Print up to 4 characters on the display
void println(char *str)
Drive the segments individually. Pos is the digit to drive, and the 16-bit data is for the individual segments themselves. Check the datasheet for the mapping of bits to segments.
void setRaw(uns8 pos, uns16 data)
Turn on/off the dot at position position
void setDot(uns8 position);
void clearDot(uns8 position);
To adjust the display brightness
void setBrightness(uns8 level)
Clear the display and turn off all segments
void clearDisplay();
- Arduino Uno/compatible
- I2C (A4/A5)
- ESP8266 Module (ESP7 and ESP12)
- I2C (IO4/IO5)
- ESP32 Module
- I2C (IO21/IO22)
- SAMD21-based board compatibility
- include UART Serial interface