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Identity event reference

Events handled

The following events are handled by the Identity extension:

Identity request identity

Event Description

This event is used for the Identity extension to complete one of the following tasks::

  • To retrieve the custom visitor identifiers
  • To retrieve the ECID (MID)
  • To append the visitor identifiers to an URL
  • To synchronize a visitor identifier or a list of identifiers with the ECID service

This event is generated by:

  • Calling the Identity getIdentifiers API
  • Calling the Identity getExperienceCloudId API
  • Calling the Identity appendVisitorInfoForURL (Android) / appendToUrl (iOS) API
  • Calling the Identity getUrlVariables API
  • Calling the Identity syncIdentifier or syncIdentifiers APIs

Event details

Event Type Event Source Paired Paired Event
com.adobe.eventType.identity com.adobe.eventSource.requestIdentity Yes Identity Response Identity event

Data payload definition

Here are the key-value pairs in this event:

Key Value Type Optional Description
baseurl String Yes The base URL passed as parameter to the appendVisitorInfoForURL (Android) / appendToUrl (iOS) API.
urlvariables Boolean Yes This key is present in the Identity request event when the getUrlVariables API is called.
visitoridentifiers Map Yes The visitor identifiers that need to be synced with the ECID service. The keys of the map are the identifier types and the values are the associated identifiers.
authenticationstate Integer Yes The VisitorID Authentication State represent (Unknown - 0, Authenticated - 1, Logged Out - 2).

Event data example

Append to URL request

    "baseurl": ""

Event data example

Get URL variables request

    "urlvariables": true

Event data example

Sync identifiers request

    "visitoridentifiers": {
        "idtype1" : "id1",
        "idtype2" : "id2"
    "authenticationstate" : 1

Generic Identity request Identity

Event Description

This event is used to set identifiers in the Identity extension and it is generated by:

  • Calling the MobileCore (Android) / ACPCore (iOS) setAdvertisingIdentifier API
  • Calling the MobileCore (Android) / ACPCore (iOS) setPushIdentifier API

Event details

Event Type Event Source Paired Paired Event
com.adobe.eventType.generic.identity com.adobe.eventSource.requestIdentity No N/A

Data payload definition

Here are the key-value pairs in this event:

Key Value Type Optional Description
advertisingidentifier String Yes The value of the Advertising Identifier for the mobile device that needs to be set in the SDK. This key is populated when the setAdvertisingIdentifier API is called.
pushidentifier String Yes The value of the Push Identifier that needs to be set. This key is populated when the setPushIdentifier API is called.

Event data example

Set the Advertising Identifier request

    "advertisingidentifier": "advertisingIdExample"

Event data example

Set the Push Identifier request

    "pushidentifier": "pushIdExample"

Analytics Identity Response

Identity Extension listens to Analytics Identity Response Event to retrieve the value of the Analytics tracking identifier (AID) that is returned as part of the visitor information for the appendToURL and getUrlVariables API calls.

For more details see Analytics response identity Document.

Audience Manager Content Response

The Identity extension listens for the Audience extension response content event for any user opt-out updates. If this response contains optedouthitsent: false an opt-out network call is sent to the Experience Cloud Identity Service.

For more details see Audience Manager Content Response Document.

Configuration Response Content

Event Description

Whenever the configuration extension dispatches the Configuration Response Content event, the Identity extension fetches the URL of the Experience Cloud Identity Service, Experience Cloud Organization Identifier, and the Privacy status settings.

This event is generated in the following scenarios:

  • Initial config requested by the customer.
  • Configuration modified (remote update or local developer action).
  • In response to a configuration request event with the config.getData data key.

For more information about the data payload definition for this event, see the Configuration Keys topics in each extension section.

Event Details

Event Type Event Source Paired Paired Event
com.adobe.eventType.configuration com.adobe.eventSource.responseContent No N/A

The data property in the Configuration Response Content event is used by each extension to modify its current settings. Each extension is responsible to read out the part of the data property for which it is concerned.

Data Payload Definition

The Identity extension reads the following keys from the configuration event:

Here are the key-value pairs in this event:

Key Value Type Optional Description String Yes Experience Cloud Org Identifier
experienceCloud.server Sting Yes Custom endpoint to be used for Visitor ID Service network requests
global.privacy String Yes Contains the mobile privacy status settings.

Event Hub Shared State

Event Description

The shared state event is dispatched by the event hub after a shared state is created or updated. The event data contains the event owner, the name of the extension to which the shared state belongs. The Identity extension triggers processing the queued events, if any, when the Configuration's shared state is updated.

Event Details

Event Type Event Source Paired Paired Event
com.adobe.eventType.hub com.adobe.eventSource.sharedState No N/A

Data Payload Definition

Definition of the key/value pairs that are present in this event

Key Value Type Optional Description
stateOwner String N/A N/A

Events dispatched

The following events are dispatched by the Identity extension:

Identity response identity

This event is a response from the Identity extension to the public API callbacks, and it will be generated in response to an Identity Request Identity event when:

  • Retrieving the ECID (MID).
  • Retrieving the custom visitor identifiers.
  • Synchronizing a visitor identifier or a list of identifiers with the ECID Service is complete.
  • The result for the append to URL request is ready.

Event details

Event Type Event Source Paired Paired Event
com.adobe.eventType.identity com.adobe.eventSource.responseIdentity Yes Identity Request Identity event

Data payload definition

Here are the key-value pairs in this event:

Key Value Type Optional Description
mid String Yes The value of the Experience Cloud Identifier (MID).
advertisingidentifier String Yes The value of the Advertising Identifier if it was previously set.
pushidentifier String Yes The Push Identifier if one was previously set.
blob String Yes The blob value retrieved from the ECID Service.
locationhint String Yes The location hint value retrieved from the ECID Service.
visitoridslist List> Yes A list of visitor identifiers that were previously synced using syncIdentifier or syncIdentifiers public APIs. Each visitor ID will have the following keys: id_origin, id_type, id, authentication_state.
lastsync Long Yes Timestamp in seconds of the last sync call sent to the ECID Service, by default it is 0.
updatedurl String Yes The update URL when appendVisitorInfoForURL (Android) / appendToUrl (iOS) public API is called.
urlvariables String Yes The Visitor IDs as query parameters string when getUrlVariables API is called.

Event data example

When all identifiers, blob and location hint are populated

    "mid": "midExample",
    "advertisingidentifier": "advertisingIdExample",
    "pushidentifier": "pushIdExample",
    "blob": "blobExample",
    "locationhint": "locationHintExample",
    "visitoridslist": [{
        "id_type": "type1",
        "id_origin": "origin1",
        "id": "id1",
        "authentication_state": 1
        "id_type": "type2",
        "id_origin": "origin2",
        "id": "id2",
        "authentication_state": 2

Event data example

The result for the appendToUrl request:

    "updatedurl": ""

Event data example

The result for the getUrlVariables request:

    "urlvariables": "adobe_mc=TS%3D1563845864296%7CMCMID%3Dmidexample%7CMCORGID%3Dorgidexample%40AdobeOrg%7CMCAID%3Daidexample&adobe_aa_vid=videxample"

{% hint style="warning" %} The Analytics Custom VID is no longer included in the Identity event data payload. If needed, it may be retrieved from the Analytics extension. {% endhint %}

Configuration content request

The Identity extension dispatches a new Configuration Content Request event when a privacy change is detected in the response that is received from the ECID Service. This event is handled by the Core extension, and the new privacy status is broadcasted to other extensions.

For more details about this event, see the Mobile Core Configuration event reference section.

Analytics content request

The Identity extension dispatches a new Analytics Content Request event when a push status preference change is detected, when the push identifier is initially set, or when it is cleared from the SDK. This event is handled by the Analytics extension, and a new internal hit is sent to the Adobe Analytics Server.

For more details about this event see Analytics Content Request

Shared state

EXTENSION_NAME: com.adobe.module.identity

The Identity extension shared state is created in the following situations:

  • When the extension first loads and is initialized.
  • When handling a sync request, regardless of whether an actual sync occurs. Occurs when setting the Push Identifier, the Advertising Identifier, or the customer's custom identifiers.
  • When the global privacy status changes to optedout, a shared state is set after the identifiers are cleared.
Key Type Description
mid String MID is a unique ID for that visitor for the given Experience Cloud organization ID.
advertisingidentifier String iOS: the IDFA from retrieved Apple APIs Android: The Advertising Identifier that is returned from Google Play Services.
pushidentifier String The Push Identifier.
blob String The blob value returned by the the ECID Service.
locationhint String The ECID Service region ID. A region ID (or location hint), is a numeric identifier for the geographic location of a particular ID service data center.
visitoridslist List> The list of all the customer's custom identifiers.
lastsync Long The timestamp of the last sync with the ECID Service (in seconds). The default value 0.