TV Show Tracker called watching. Built in Flutter.
Demo of the web version:
Demo of the app version:
This application is available and optimized for iOS, Android and the web (link:
PostGreSQL as the database hosted on Vercel.
Node.js with Express as the backend hosted on Render.
Flutter as the frontend hosted on Firebase Hosting.
Firebase Authentication for authentication.
TV Maze External API.
This project has only development as a flavor and the env variables are inside the file (not checked in.)
flutter build web --release -t lib/main_development.dart
firebase use "project name"
firebase deploy
echo '[{"origin": ["*"],"responseHeader": ["Content-Type"],"method": ["GET", "HEAD"],"maxAgeSeconds": 3600}]' > cors-config.json
gcloud auth login
gcloud config set pass_credentials_to_gsutil true
gsutil cors set cors-config.json gs://