CodeLou_FrontEnd Description: This is a recipe website with accordion menus and recipes.
The user will be able to use buttons to show/hide various sections of the website.
A sample of 3 Custom CSS Classes The class(es) I created are: .resize : change size of images to a circle with the dimensions of 100px by 100px, and adds a top margin. .main-layer : changes the display style to inline block, adds padding and margins, and changes the background color. .sub-section : adds padding, and changes the background color. h1:not(:first-child) - changes the font-size and adds a bottom border to all h1 elements, except the first one.
A sample of 1 Custom JavaScript Functions The javascript functions I created are: function appClicker() : used to show/hide the Appetizer Recipe section, and change the wording in the button.