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The CCF ASCT Reporter is a basic visualization tool for displaying the flattened ASCT tables built using Angular 10.

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HuBMAP CCF Reporter


The CCF ASCT+B Reporter iincludes a partonomy tree that presents relationships between various anatomical structures and substructures, that is combined with their respective cell types and biomarkers via a bimodal network. The reporter also presents an indented list tree for a more traditional look. Along with visualizing, the reporter has a report generator that enlists various meta data for the visualized ASCT table, which is downloadable. There is also an in-house debug logger that lists any issues related to the data provided in the table. The reporter is also accompanied by a backend server, ASCT+B Data Miner.


For development,

$ git clone
$ cd ccf-asct-reporter

# Reporter
$ npm install
$ ng serve

# Miner
$ cd data-miner
$ npm install
$ npm start

For deployment,

$ git clone
$ cd ccf-asct-reporter

# Reporter
$ npm run build
$ npm run deploy

# Miner
$ git subtree push --prefix data-miner miner master

For updating table data,

$ npm run data <folder_name> # for updating all sheets
$ npm run data <folder_name> <sheet> # for updating a specific sheet

Folder name is the version. For example, to update an already exisisting version use the folder name like : v100. If the folder name is not present, a new one will be created.


Currently supported ASCT Tables

  1. Spleen
  2. Liver
  3. Kidney
  4. Small Intestile
  5. Large Intestine
  6. Lymph Nodes
  7. Heart
  8. Skin
  9. Brain
  10. Lung

How it works

This section describes the constuctution of the various visualizations and features that the reporter houses. After recieving the data, the first 11 rows are stipped out which contains the headers and the credits which are not required for the visualization.

Workflow Diagram

ASCT+B Reporter Workflow

Data Retrieval

The data to build the visualizations is fetched from Google Sheets via a constructued URL that exports the sheet. But due to increased number of exports Google Sheet rate limits (or possibly blocks) certain domains and prevents any additional exports. Therefore, if the data retrieval from Google Sheets fails, the Reproter fetches the ASCT+B Data Miner. In an event the miner too fails to extract the data, the Reporter falls back on CSVs that have been stored in the assets. This is termed as 'System Cache', and is updated on every deployment.

Partonomy Tree

The partonomy tree visualizes anatomical structures and substructures. They are color coded in red. It makes use of Vega's Tree Layout to visualize relationships between anatomical structures and substructures. This is housed in the Tree Component.

The data is fetched through the getSheetData() function that returns a JSON of the ASCT+B table data parsed by PapaParse. The function makeTreeData() builds the tree shown in the partonomy. Using the classes TNode and Tree, systematically builds a tree where each node has a parent, id and name. Multiple occurances of nodes in the ASCT+B tables are automatically skipped by the function. The width of the tree is set to a precomputed value present in the config service. On having the constructed data, the tree spec is formed that builds the tree using embed().

Some nodes in the partnomy tree may have a black stoke around them. This indicates that the node does not follow a "tree" structure as it has multiple parent nodes.

Bimodal Network

The bimodal network links the anatomical structures to the cell types, and then the cell types to the biomarkers. The cell types are color coded in blue and the biomarkers in green. This is housed in the bimodal component.

After the partonomy tree is rendered onto the DOM, the function makeASCTData() is called that accepts the ASCT+B table data and the partonomy tree data. The treeData is an array of objects that contains information of the all the nodes in the tree (positions, names, colors, etc). Using this data, paths between the anatomical structures and cell types a formed. The x and y coordinates of the leaf nodes of the tree is used to start the paths. Each of the structures are divided into multiple groups,

  • Group 1: Anatomical Structures (red)
  • Group 2: Cell Types (blue)
  • Group 3: Biomarkers (green)

After all the nodes have been pushed using the BMNode class, the links are constucted. This is done by using the position of the nodes in the nodes array, specifying the source (s) and the target(t)

The bimodal network contans a few functions that is used to sort the nodes,

  1. Sort Alphabetically: Alphabetically sorts the nodes.
  2. Sort by degree: Sorts the nodes based on the number of connections to a particular node. Makes use of the makeMarkerDegree() and makeCellDegree() functions for calculating the degree of markers and cells respectively.
  3. Sort by size: Nodes can be sorted by their relative sizes that depends on their degree.

Each node in the network can be hovered over to highlight its path links. Additionally, for better visual purposes, a node can be clicked to bold its name and persist the color of the path connecting the nodes. Clicking on an AS node colors the AS to CT paths, as well as CT to B paths. Clicking on a B node highlights the B to CT paths and CT to AS paths. Any clicked node can be clicked again to unbold and dehighlight. Hovering or clicking will cause the nodes that are not a part of the connections will be "dimmed" to reduce visualization clutter.

Hovering over a node also reveals a floating tooltip, that has the following information,

  • Name
  • Degree
  • Indegree
  • Outdegree
  • Uberon/Link

Indent List

This visualization is a traditional, hierarchical structure. This displays anatomical structures, sub-structures and cell types. This is housed in the Indent component. This makes use the of Angular Material Tree.

The function makeIndentData() builds the data for the indented list.

Report Generator

The report generator lists different meda data of the data which are downloadable. This can be accessed by clicking on the report icon in the navbar, which opens a navigation drawer. There are 2 tabs in the Report,

  1. Main Sheet: This tab will contain the statistics of the Main Master table of that marticular organ. The main sections of this tab are,
    • Overview: This section contains the following statistics,
      • Unique anatomical structures
      • Unique cell types
      • Unique bio markers
      • Anatomical Structures with no uberon links
      • Cell types with no CL links
      • Biomarkers with no Go/UniPot link (as the moment none of the markers have this link)
    • Details: This section has expandable panels that list the above mentioned node names in alphabetical order.
  2. Derived Sheet: This tab will have exapandable panels of every uploaded derived sheet. If there are no sheets, there will be a button that will allow the user tolink a new sheet. To check the contents of the panels in this tab, please check the Compare Sheets section in this documentation.

Debug Log

The Debug Log lists warnings and errors that occurred during data parsing and visualization creation—for individual organs and for all organs. It is separated into two tabs,

  • Organ Tab: This tab shows all the debug messages for the selected organ sheet.
  • All Tab: This tab displays messages for the entire user session.

Similar messages are clubbed together, and displayed via an expansion panel that can be clicked to reveal the messages. The logs that are currently supported are given below,

  • Nodes with multiple in-links (can be clicked on to expand/collapse)
  • Nodes with no out-links (can be clicked on to expand/collapse)
  • Sheet changes
  • Tree successfully/unsuccessfully rendering

Compare Sheets

This feature is used to compare the structures in a google sheet with the main master tables. To do so, click on the button beside the refresh button on navigation toolbar OR going to the Derived Sheet tab in the Report. On clicking the opposite arrows icon, there will be a popup where an user can enter 4 details,,

  • Title of the sheet
  • Description of the sheet
  • Google sheets link
  • Color of the sheet

Multiple sheet can be linked too by clicking on the + Add button. On clicking on Compare the data will take a while to fetch, and once it is done you can see the results on the visualization. Following are the features of the results,

  • All edges that are common between the two sheets (compare sheet and master sheet) will be highligted in the color of that sheet.
  • Structures that are not present in the master sheet will be added to the visualization. These nodes will be transparent and will have a colored dashed stroke boder.
Derived Sheets Report

In the Report, there will a new tab called Derived Sheets. Here, there will be computed statistics for each sheet that was uploaded in their respective panels. These sheets can be downloaded individually in XLSX format from the downloadb button on the panel header (beside the delete icon). On downloading the entire report (the Download button at the bottom) along with the main report, each derived sheet will be a sheet in the XL file.

Important Requirements

in order for the compare feature to work seamlessly, please make sure the follow pointers are followed.

  1. The structure of the compare sheet that the user is uploading has to be the same as the master tables, in terms of column numbers (even if the contents of the rows are empty) For example,

    Structure of Master_table.xlsx

    Structure_1 Structure_2 Structure_3 Cell Type Biomarkers
    AS1 AS2 AS3 CT1 B1
    AS4 AS5 AS6 CT2 B2

    Structure of your Compare_sheet.xlsx

    Structure_1 Structure_2 Structure_3 Cell Type Biomarkers
    AS1.1 AS2.1 AS3.1
  2. Please make sure to use the browser URL and not the URL that you get from the Share button.

  3. Since the data is fetched from Google Sheets, please make sure the sheet that you are linking has public access (ANYONE CAN VIEW). This can be done by going to the Share button at the top right corner and changing the access.

Clicking on refresh will reset the visualization and remove any compare sheet data.

Visualization Control

The new Visualization Control (VC) is a floating panel at the bottom left of the screen that allows the user to control the heeight of the visualization (will add many more controls im the future). This is particularly important because while uploading the compare sheets, sometimes the visualization gets too cluttered due to the huge number of nodes. By re-adjusting the height, the visualization can be made cleaner.

The VC can be hidden by clicking on teh Close (X) button that will cause the VC to minimize into a small badge at the left bottom of the screen. This can be toggled on and off.


An user can search for particular features. The search can be opened by clicking on the maginifying glass icon on the navigation toolbar. This will open a up a modal that will have an autocomplete area to search and select multiple structures. Additionally, structures can also be filtered based on the group there are in (Anatomical Structures, Cell Types, Biomarkers). On clicking Search the structures that were selected will have a blue rectagle around them. Re-opening the search function again or clicking on refresh, will cause the searches to reset.


The ASCT+B Reporter visualization can be saved out in PNG (Portable Network Graphics) and SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics File) format. The Vega Specification can also be exported in JSON format. The data that is currently being supplied to the visualization gets saved in this JSON too. This can be done by clicking on the download button on the navigation toolbar on the top (beside the refresh icon) and selecting the suitable image format.


This shell script is used to fetch data from the flattened tables. The sheetId and GID for the sheets are stored in scriptdata.csv.

The script encorporates 2 options,

  1. No parameters: Updates the data of all the sheets from google sheets.
    $ npm run data <folder_name> 
  2. <sheet_name> parameter: Updates the data of a specific sheet.
    $ npm run data <folder_name> <sheet_name>

Naming Folders: For version v1.0.0 the folder name will be v100, and so on.

For additional help,

$ npm run data help

Data Miner

The reporter is also accompanied by a backend server - ASCT+B Data Miner. In the event of Google Sheets blocking requests by the Reporter or any error, the Reporter fetches the data from the Data Miner which runs a simple Node script to fetch the data from Google Sheets. By supplying the SheetId and GID to the Data Miner, the data from the flattened tables can be retrieved. If for some reason the Data Miner also fails to retrieve the data, the Reporter falls to its system cache, which contains a snapshot of the flattened tables.

The Miner can also be used as a stand-alone tool to retrieve the data from the flattened google sheets. Below is the API that you'll have to use,<sheetID>/<gid>

This will either return the CSV data as a string, or will return a 500 HTTP code.


Since the ASCT+B Data Miner is a dynamic script, Heroku has been used to deploy the server. Heroky is free to use for this usage. Deploying on Heroku requires the data-miner folder to have an additional git remote. To deploy the latest changes to the Heroku cloud,

$ git add data-miner
$ git commit -m <commit_message>
$ git subtree push --prefix data-miner miner master


Partonomy Tree Hover/Click Sorting and Sizing Indent List Report Debug Logs


If you'd like to contribute, follow the steps below,

$ git clone
$ cd ccf-asct-reporter
$ git checkout -b <new_branch_name>

Commit the changes to the new feature branch and make a pull request!




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