A Game Boy Advance emulator built upon the GBC emulator gameboi
gameboiadvance does not aim to be the perfect emulator, its features are limited compared to other emulators.
- Accurate ARM7 emulation
- Scanline based PPU emulation
- APU emulation (based on gameboi)
- Accurate DMA interleaving
- EEPROM, FLASH and SRAM save-load capability
- RTC support (sadly, no other GPIO extensions)
- Gamepak prefetch emulation
- Disassembler and a powerful debugger
- Capable of showing all the internals of the emulator
- Execution and data access breakpoint support
- SIO emulation, and networked multiplayer support
gameboiadvance library can be easily integrated to your own frontend implementation:
#include <gba/core.h>
// WITH_DEBUGGER can be set with CMake argument -DWITH_DEBUGGER=ON
#include <gba_debugger/debugger.h>
void on_scanline(const gba::u8 line_number, const gba::ppu::scanline_buffer& buffer) noexcept;
void on_vblank() noexcept;
void on_audio(const gba::vector<gba::apu::stereo_sample<float>>& buffer) noexcept;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// BIOS is required to boot
gba::core core{"file/path/to/bios.gba"};
gba::debugger::window debugger_window(&core);
while(true) {
// debugger window handles input, video and audio output
// optionally set audio generation parameters
// core.set_dst_sample_rate(some_audio_device.sample_rate());
// core.set_sound_buffer_capacity(some_audio_device.sample_count());
while(true) {
// core.press_key(gba::keypad::key::a);
// core.release_key(gba::keypad::key::start);
// or core.tick(n); which executes at least `n` cycles every iteration
return 0;
- CMake 3.16
- fmt (as git submodule)
- spdlog (as git submodule)
- SDL2 (for sound only)
Install dependencies however you like. Below example is installing using vcpkg, in Ubuntu:
$ git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg.git
$ ./vcpkg/bootstrap-vcpkg.sh -disableMetrics
$ ./vcpkg/vcpkg install sfml sdl2
$ sudo apt install cmake
gameboiadvance uses CMake and can be easily built with a script like below.
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake --config Release --target gameboiadvance ..
$ cmake --build -- -j $(nproc)