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Releases: emu-russia/psxrev

PSXCPU Repository

12 Sep 16:04
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Deroute Repository

12 Sep 16:03
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Deroute 1.03

06 Aug 17:58
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Deroute 1.03

  • Added the option of auto-tracing wires when clicking on them. Enabled in the settings (Settings -> Global -> WireSelectionAutoTraverse).
  • Added entity locator for quick selection of desired entities


Deroute 1.02

02 Aug 20:33
Choose a tag to compare

Deroute 1.02



Данный релиз включает в себя первую реализацию машинного обучения.

Более подробно см. в User Manual, который прилагается к релизу.

Также в утилиту добавлена поддержка черного списка для траверса, чтобы например провода не заходили на ненужные виасы и траверс не "слеплялся" в одно сплошное месиво.

This release includes the first implementation of machine learning.

For more details, see the User Manual that accompanies the release.

Also, support for the traverse blacklist has been added to the utility, so that, for example, wires do not go into unnecessary vias and the traverse does not "stick" into one continuous mess.

Example of black-list usage:


EDIT: Added missing NeuralNetwork.dll

Deroute 1.01

30 Jul 10:57
Choose a tag to compare

Deroute 1.01

Improved entity hierarchy handling:

  • Now you can do Drag&Drop for entities in the tree, to assign new parents
  • You can swap entities by pressing Ctrl+Up / Ctrl+Down
  • Entities can be deleted from the tree by clicking Del
  • Non-visible selected entities do not move
  • Label changes work correctly

Deroute 1.0

17 Jul 15:21
Choose a tag to compare


Tool for untangling wires.


It can be used for reverse engineering of integrated circuits and printed circuit boards.


At the center of the tool is a custom control called the EntityBox. Its task is to store and display a set of "Entities".

Entities are any connected elements that are used to build the topology of integrated circuits and printed circuit boards: wires, connecting contacts (vias), standard cells, register and memory blocks, other ICs and connectors.

Source image layers

3 layers of images are supported.

Each layer has its own scrolling and zoom, independent of the scrolling and zoom of the entire scene.

Transparency can be assigned to each layer. Layers are drawn in the order: 2 -> 1 -> 0.

Coordinate system

Deroute operates in two coordinate systems:

  • To store vector data, raster-independent Lambda coordinates are used. 1 Lambda = n pixels (set in settings)
  • To display vector data, Lambda coordinates are converted to screen coordinates, taking into account scrolling and zoom.


The collection of entities can be saved and loaded in XML format.