Installs and configures PaperMC Minecraft on RHEL/CentOS or Debian/Ubuntu servers. PaperMC is an optimized version of Minecraft server that includes many performance enhancments.
- Add banned players
- Add banned ips
- Clean up docs and add missing properties
Note that this role requires root. Ensure become: yes is set at the top level of your playbook or invoke the role in your playbook like:
- hosts: papermc_server
- role: engonzal.papermc
become: yes
While there are no required variables, you may want to consider the amount of memory to allocate. 3G is recommended for 1.14.4 deployments.
# Not required, but if you're running 1.14.4 you should aim for "3G".
papermc_mem: 1G
Set the amount of memory to use for your minecraft server.
papermc_agree_to_eula: true
Also not required, but take note that you're agreeing to the Minecraft EULA
papermc_version: "1.14.4"
You can specify a specfic version of papermc to install. Note that you can view available version using the papermc api:
papermc_dir_main: /app/papermc
Set the directory where you would like to install the paper app/configs/world files.
papermc_server_port: 25565
papermc_motd: "The SSHCraft Server"
papermc_broadcast_console_to_ops: "false"
You can also consigure the file with some custom parameters.
- engonzal
papermc_white_list: "true"
papermc_enforce_whitelist: "true"
You can also start the server with a whitelist.
# Default value
papermc_run_options: "-XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=100 -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:G1NewSizePercent=50 -XX:G1MaxNewSizePercent=80 -XX:G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent=35 -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled"
Some custom java parameters can be added. By default the Aikar params are used:
If you want to start the server without any custom options set: papermc_run_options: ""
Also take a look at default/main.yml
to see default values. Server setting defaults can be viewed in tasks/server_settings.yml.
- hosts: papermc_server
- { role: engonzal.papermc }
- hosts: papermc_server
papermc_mem: 1G
papermc_server_port: 25560
- { role: engonzal.papermc }
This role was created in 2019 by Noe Gonzalez ( and