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Geoffery Miller edited this page Feb 13, 2014 · 14 revisions

Tributary is an experimental environment and an experimental project. We are playing with different "views" on code which have different assumptions. Once you get into it you may find you want to make your own view.

#Setup Tributary depends on node for running its server, make sure you have node.js and npm installed

git clone
cd ./tributary
npm install
cp example-settings.js settings.js
node server.js

Note: If your sandboxOrigin in settings.js is a subdomain (in the example-settings.js file it defaults to 'http://sandbox.localhost:8888') don't forget to map it in your hosts file. Example: on a Mac add ' sandbox.localhost' to /private/etc/hosts.

Open your browser to http://localhost:8888/ or http://localhost:8888/inlet

#Github Auth If you want to have github authentication working you will need to setup a github app:

Application Name: foo
Main URL, Callback URL = http://localhost:8888/github-authenticated

#Plugins You can extend tributary just by typing code into itself! If you want to add functionality as a plugin,
Tributary provides a Plugin System

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