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enjalot edited this page Jul 30, 2012 · 13 revisions

Welcome to the tributary wiki!

Project Homepage

Tributary is an experimental environment for rapidly prototyping visualization code. The environment provides several libraries useful for this kind of coding, as well as a simple interface for live code editing.

#Views The Tributary project consists on several "views" which make different assumptions about the code you enter into them. The project's namesake is the Tributary view, which lets you explore d3 + svg code for visualizations. Each of the views are documented in their own pages:

Tributary (for exploring SVG)
Delta (for exploring time)

Cypress (for exploring Canvas with a run loop)
HourGlass (for exploring run loops with SVG)

Flow (for exploring music visualization with SVG)
Flood (for exploring music visualizaiton with Canvas)

BigFish (for exploring simulations with SVG)
Fly (for exploring simulations with Canvas)

RepTile (for exploring tiled patterns)


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