tl;dr: Authenticate caddy routes based on a Discord User Identity.
e.g. Accessing /really-cool-people
requires user to have {Role}
within {Guild}
This package contains a module allowing authorization in Caddy based on a Discord Identity, by using Discords OAuth2 flow (authorization code grant).
Licensed under GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
Logo by @AutonomousCat
docker run -p 8080:8080 \
--rm -v $PWD/Caddyfile:/etc/caddy/Caddyfile \
realm allows you to name a label and group together specific targeted Discord Users by using the directives below.
Resource | Description | Example |
User ID | Discord User IDs (optionally with guild presence) | realm godmode { |
Guild | Any user that exists within the guild | realm cool_guild_users { |
Role | Users that assigned a specific role within a guild | realm cool_role { |
Loosely inspired from caddy-security's Discord OAuth2 module, with a much stronger focus on coupling Discord and Caddy for authentication purposes.
- Download caddy + caddy-discord
- Using released binaries
- Build yourself using
xcaddy build --with
- Create Discord Application (Discord Developer Portal)
- New Application
- OAuth2
- Obtain your Client ID & Client secret
- Add Redirects Docs
- Prepare your
- Gather your Discord App OAuth2 Client ID & Client Secret,
- Decide your route for caddy-discords to use as the OAuth2
discord {
client_id 1000000000000000000 # Discord app OAuth client ID
client_secret 8CEPZZZZZAfl_w19ZZZZW_k # Discord app OAuth secret
redirect http://localhost:8080/discord/callback # Route you've configured with `discordauth callback`
realm clique {
guild 106307051119907 {
role 10630111112755034
realm just_for_me {
user 31400111187026172
http://localhost:8080 {
route /discord/callback {
# Desigate route as OAuth callback endpoint
discord callback
route /discordians-only {
# Only allow discord users that auth against 'really_cool_area' realm
protect using clique
respond "Hello {http.auth.user.username}!<br /><br /><img src='{}/{http.auth.user.avatar}?size=4096.png'> "
respond "Hello, world!"
xcaddy build --with