feat: add readme #2
1 error, 1 warning, and 1 notice
Run actions/dependency-review-action@4081bf99e2866ebe428fc0477b69eb4fcda7220a
Dependency review is not supported on this repository. Please ensure that Dependency graph is enabled along with GitHub Advanced Security on private repositories, see https://github.com/epam/ai-dial-app-controller/settings/security_analysis
Post Run epam/ai-dial-ci/actions/java_prepare@1.10.0
Cache cleanup failed. Will continue. Error: The process '/usr/bin/gradle' failed with exit code 1
Run gradle/actions/dependency-submission@d156388eb19639ec20ade50009f3d199ce1e2808
Submitted dependency-graph-reports/dependency_review-dependency-submission.json: The snapshot was accepted, but it is not for the default branch. It will not update dependency results for the repository.