Telegram Bot to access EPFL services (and more) from everyday chats.
Try it on Telegram @EpflBot (case insensitive).
To connect using your EPFL account and have some extra goodies, go to @EPFLBot login or use the /login command.
The bot runs in privacy mode; only has access to /commands and messages where it's @mentioned. It does NOT store passwords or sensitive credentials.
With docker, this will launch Elasticsearch for the storage and Kibana to access it (slow to start, about 2 minutes):
docker-compose up -d
On Linux, if docker fails to spawn Elasticsearch run sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
To enable Tequila authentication locally we recommend ngrok.
ngrok http 8080
Then set your ngrok-provided URL (and port) in the application.conf.
Standard setup:
> ~re-start
The bot uses Traefik as reverse proxy to serve the showcase website and bind to some thirdparty integrations (e.g. Tequila).
sbt clean assembly
cp .env.example .env
vim .env
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml up --build -d