This describes the automatic and adaptive framework configurations to place, assign, and chain BF services' instances. This setup is running over kubernetes/Cilium network configurations.
- You need to have at least two functional clusters with at least 1 worker, 1 master node each
- The clusterIP blocks should not overlap across clusters
- Swapoff -a
- Firewall rules allow traffic across pods
You can deploy dynamically BF services across clusters by specifying the context of the command you are running.
sudo kubectl apply -f BF-service.yaml --context $CLUSTER2
sudo kubectl get pods --context $CLUSTER1
sudo kubectl top pods --context $CLUSTER1
You can now choose to deploy the proxy service on any cluster and you can reconfigure the proxy to assign BF services to requests and chain services as follows:
sudo kubectl patch deployment proxy --namespace default --type='json' -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/args", "value": ["-c", "socks6://<BF-IP:PORT"]}]'