A simple screensaver that also computes the buddhabrot for the Lambda Function, f(z) = r * z * ( 1 - z), with z, r in C, and r being fixed. It computes an histogram of trajectories that eventually escapes after a fixed number iterations.
You will need X11 Libs and opencl-headers debian :
sudo apt install libx11-dev
archlinux :
pacman -S libx11
Then you can compile.
The export program is a simple python script that will merge all your checkpoints and send to the server.
Create a virtual environment and install the requirements
python -m venv buddhabroute
source buddhabroute/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
You should modify the config.ini
with the URL and port of running server. You can also modify the number of iterations to do before
exporting your work. The sleep_time parameters controls the amount of sleep between iterations, so you can try to not burn out your poor cpu.
Everything is done via the export.py script.
python export.py
Which will launch the program and export to the provided url.
I recommend using XScreensaver to manage the screensaver part. You can add computeIdle to the list of screensaver by modifying {HOME}/.xscreensaver
. Add the full path to the executable in the programs section.