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Perennial v2 Subgraph


This subgraph indexes data for Perennial v2 Markets and Accounts. It provides Account positions, orders, and stats.


To learn about individual fields and relationships, see the schema.


A Market represents the global state of the market, including global position sizes and latest version and order IDs. Markets contain a list of marketAccounts which represents each individual account which has participated in the market. Markets also have accumulators and accumulations, more information on those is available below.

A Market's ID is it's on-chain contract address.


A MarketOrder is the net resulting order for a given OracleVersion. The oracle's granularity determines how long each version is; all orders for that version are aggregated into a single MarketOrder. The MarketOrder contains the net position deltas for all orders in that version. It also contains each underlying account order that is part of the market order within the accountOrders field.

A MarketOrder's ID is the Market ID and the global order ID.


An Account represents a unique address that interacts with any Market. An account holds a list of marketAccounts which represents it's position in each market.

An Account's ID is it's on-chain address.


A MarketAccount represents an account's position in a given Market. It contains values for the account's current position in the market, as well as a list of Positions

A MarketAccount's ID is the Market ID and the Account ID.


A Position represents an Account's running position in a Market. A new Position is created for an account each time it's size (maker/long/short) goes from 0 to non-0. The Position entity contains snapshot values at the start of the position, and Accumulation values for PNL, Fees, and net deposits over the lifetime of the position. A position is made up of a number of Orders. Note that in the case where a maker/long/short size change occurs and the correspond OracleVersion is not valid, that order's is not applied to the overall position.

A Position's ID is the Market ID, the Account ID, and the account's position ID (incremented each time a new position is created).


An Order represent's an Account's interaction with a Market at a given OracleVersion. An order may contain position size changes (maker/long/short), and/or collateral changes. Note that an Account can only have one maker, long, or short position in a market at a time. All updates which occur in the same OracleVersion are aggregated into a single Order for the Account.

An Order contains an accumulation which holds the fees and PNL accrued for that order

A Order's ID is the Market ID, the Account ID, and the account's order ID.


An OrderAccumulation is a child entity of both a Position and Order. In the position case, it contains aggregated values across all orders for that position. An OrderAccumulation contains values for PNL, Fees, and a breakdown of both PNL and Fees into their component parts.


Accumulators represent a running total of PNL, Fees, and net deposits for a parent entity (Market or Account). Accumulators are updated each time a new oracle version is processed (via on-chain PositionProcessed or AccountPositionProcessed events). Accumulators are useful in taking the delta between two accumulators at different timestmaps, which will return the value change per position between the two timestamps. For example, to calculate the long funding accumulated between T1 and T2 for position P, one can do P * (accumulator[T2].fundingLong - accumulator[T1].fundingLong).

An Accumulator's ID is the parent entity's ID and version.

{Market, Account, MarketAccount}Accumulation

These accumulations are bucketed values which contain the sum (or last) of the values for the given bucket. Valid buckets are hourly, daily, weekly, or all. The all bucket is an all-time cumulative value.

An Accumulation's ID is the bucket, parent entity's ID, and bucket timestamp.


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