What's Changed
- Add tests directory to helmignore by @JAORMX in #14
- Adding testing and fix issues by @JAORMX in #15
- Add ability to insert extra volumes (useful for setting up license) by @JAORMX in #12
- Release v0.1.2 by @JAORMX in #16
- Add ability to set up custom service annotations by @JAORMX in #19
- Automatically create a GitHub release when a tag is detected by @JAORMX in #18
- Simplify Release version updates by @JAORMX in #17
- Allow for using templated service annotations by @JAORMX in #20
- Release v0.1.3 by @JAORMX in #21
- Add testing for healthcheck and endpoints by @JAORMX in #22
- Add secure defaults by @JAORMX in #23
- Release v0.1.4 by @JAORMX in #24
- Make resource requests and limits configurable for init containers by @JAORMX in #25
- Release v0.1.5 by @JAORMX in #26
- Use health endpoint for readiness probe by @JAORMX in #29
- Skip health endpoint from access logs in default configuration by @JAORMX in #28
- Separate port and extra_config settings from default config by @JAORMX in #30
- Release v0.1.6 by @JAORMX in #31
- Add support for Argo Rollouts as a deployment by @JAORMX in #32
- Back to basics: Use all-in-one image instead of complicated deployment by @JAORMX in #33
- Add relevant JSON schema and lint job by @JAORMX in #34
- release: Tag before doing the release commit by @JAORMX in #35
- Replace
by @JAORMX in #36 - Release v0.1.7 by @JAORMX in #37
Full Changelog: v0.1.1...v0.1.7