Current toolbox:
- Elastic stack
- Postgres
- Python3
- R, RStudio and the Tidyverse
- Neovim text editor
- Visidata - an amazing command line interface for data exploration
- Huggingface Transformers
- Svensktext Swedish corpuses
- Alacritty terminal
- Bandwhich
- Base16 colour scheme(s) (Tomorrow-night)
- Bash shell (and trying out Fish)
- Bat file viewer
- Btm system monitor
- Dust
- Fd-find
- Fzf fuzzy finder
- Delta git diff viewer
- Hyperfine
- LeftWM window manager
- Nerd fonts (Hack)
- Procs
- Ripgrep text search
- sd search/replace
- Starship prompt
- Tmux and tmux-resurrect for persistent terminal sessions
- Zoxide clever shell navigation
These dotfiles are managed with a Git Bare Repository.