In this weeks project, using react and useEffect, we were supposed to create an app fetching messages from the happy-thoughts API. The user should be able to like the messages, aswell as post new ones.
I started out planning in trello- what the requirements were, which components I should have etc. After that I started with the fetch from the API. After that I worked on the form so that new thoughts could be created, together with the POST-method. Last but not least, I integrated the like-button functionality along with displaying the number of likes and the time since it was posted. I then focused on styling with CSS.
I had issues trying to understand the components and getting the like-function to work. If I had more time, it would be fun to work with more features, like if you could see how many likes your posted message had. Also the stretchgoals with keeping count of how many different posts you have liked.
My deployed version: