Releases: ericblade/react-currency-input
Releases · ericblade/react-currency-input
This is the one!!
This is the one that appears to work 100% and fixes the bugs that I encountered with the pre-fork version.
Please hammer on it, and if you find any conditions that fail, let's get a test written for it and figure it out!
fix selection on focus, fix on the fly property updates
- changing the components props will cause a recalculation and state change
on the value state. This means if you change the decimal or thousands
separator on the fly, it will update immediately in the value state,
instead of when the user makes an input change. Same goes for most other
properties. (getDerivedStateFromProps)
- improve some comments
- remove some spurious logging
- handleFocus should properly set focus on chrome browsers when focusing
the field. (we need to test this with autofocus on too, i think)