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1. Import locale

  • Imports the locale module to handle regional settings.

2. locale.getpreferredencoding = lambda: "UTF-8"

  • Enforces UTF-8 encoding to avoid compatibility issues with special characters.

3. wget "<file/path file/URL>" -O <fileName.extension>

  • Downloads a file from the web using the wget command.
  • Replace <file/path file/URL> with the desired file path or URL.
  • Replace <fileName.extension> with the desired file name.

4. ffmpeg -i <fileName.extension> <convertedFileName.extension>

  • Converts an audio/video file using the ffmpeg command.
  • Replace <fileName.extension> with the original file.
  • Replace <convertedFileName.extension> with the converted file.

5. pip install TTS

  • Installs the TTS package for text-to-speech, if not already installed.

6. Imports - Imports required modules:

  • Torch for numerical computation with PyTorch.
  • TTS.api to use the text-to-speech API.
  • Time to measure execution time.
  • Audio, display from IPython to display audio.

7. tts = TTS("tts_models/multilingual/multi-dataset/xtts_v2").to('cuda')

  • Loads a text-to-speech model "xtts_v2" and sends it to the GPU (cuda) for accelerated computation.

8. Text to be synthesized:

  • Defines the text to be converted into audio.

9. tts_to_file() - Generates audio with parameters:

  • Text: the text to be synthesized.
  • Speaker_wav: reference audio file for voice.
  • Language: language of the text (in this case, 'pt' for Portuguese).
  • Emotion: desired emotion ('Happy').
  • Speed: speech rate (2.5).
  • File_path: name and path of the generated audio file.

10. Measuring and printing execution time:

  • Calculates and prints the execution time of text-to-speech synthesis.

11. display(Audio('out.wav', autoplay=True))

  • Displays an audio player to listen to the generated out.wav file.

Additional notes:

  • Make sure to replace the placeholders in the code with your specific values.
  • Adjust the parameters of tts_to_file() as desired.
  • This code is a basic example and can be modified for further customization.
  • THANKS for the class SauloCatharino



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