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263 lines (181 loc) · 9.69 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Initially, in the previous 2.1.0 release, several functions were deprecated (see Deprecated under 2.1.0 below). After much thought on the direction I want this library to move in, I am reversing my decision to deprecate the Array and Temperature functions mentioned.


  • Arrays::flatten(), Arrays::mapDeep(), and all the temperature related functions in Conversions are no longer deprecated.
  • New tests added for the Image class. Still a work in progress; working toward no 'codeCoverageIgnore'.

2.1.0 - 2024-04-23

This release focuses on setting up the future of the library. No new features or functionality has been added in this release.


  • Added's Renovate to workflow
  • Added Esi\Clock to dependencies, updated Esi\Utility\Dates accordingly.
  • Added a code of conduct.
  • Added a backwards compatibility promise.


  • Reformatted this CHANGELOG to be more in line with the Keep a Changelog format.
  • Implemented various PHPCS-Fixer recommendations.
  • Updated coding style via .php-cs-fixer.dist.php, and as a result, implemented those changes throughout the library.
  • Changed the header being used for all files to something smaller, and more simple.
  • Bumped version requirement for the PHPUnit dev-dependency to 11.1
  • Updated tests github workflow to add uploading coverage data to
  • Made all utility classes abstract as they never need instantiation.
  • Separate contributing information into its own file.
    • Updated contributing information and guidelines.


The next major release, v3, will move to PHP 8.3 as a minimum requirement.

  • Arrays::flatten()'s current signature and functionality will change in the next major release (v3.0)
  • Arrays::mapDeep()'s current signature and functionality will change in the next major release (v3.0)
    • The functionality of mapping the properties of an object will likely be moved to its own utility class/function.
  • Arrays::validJson() will be removed in the next major release (v3.0)
  • All the temperature related functions in Conversions:
    • Current signature and functionality deprecated, will be changed in 3.0


  • Removed deprecated Arrays::exists
  • Removed all instances of @phpstan-ignore-* opting to instead use a baseline for PHPStan (phpstan-baseline.neon)

2.0.0 - 2024-03-04

Utility has undergone a complete restructuring, wherein it is no longer a single super class. The class has been broken down into smaller classes or "components".


  • Utility\Arrays
  • Utility\Conversion
  • Utility\Dates
  • Utility\Environment
  • Utility\Filesystem
  • Utility\Image
  • Utility\Numbers
  • Utility\Strings
  • New constants:
    • Conversion::EARTH_RADIUS
    • Conversion::METERS_TO_KILOMETERS
    • Conversion::METERS_TO_MILES
    • Environment::IP_ADDRESS_HEADERS
    • Environment::HOST_HEADERS
    • Environment::URL_HEADERS
    • Environment::HTTPS_HEADERS
    • Environment::REQUEST_HEADERS
    • Image::IMAGE_TYPES
    • Numbers::SUFFIXES
    • Numbers::SIZE_FORMAT_UNITS
    • Environment::PORT_SECURE
    • Environment::PORT_UNSECURE
    • Environment::VALIDATE_HOST_REGEX
    • Environment::BOOLEAN_MAPPINGS
  • Added new function Arrays:valueExists


  • Made a great improvement in code coverage/testing
  • Effort to improve documentation, which can be found in docs/ or online here
  • Filesystem::lineCounter() (Utility::lineCounter() in Utility < 2.0) no longer has a $skipEmpty parameter. It will now always skip empty lines.
    • Replaced the use of file() with SplFileObject and flags SplFileObject::READ_AHEAD | SplFileObject::SKIP_EMPTY | SplFileObject::DROP_NEW_LINE
      • Should be more efficient, especially for larger files.
  • Numbers::sizeFormat() (Utility::sizeFormat() in Utility < 2.0) has a new option:
    • Numbers::sizeFormat(int $bytes, int $precision = 0, string $system = 'binary'): string
    • System can be one of 'binary' or 'metric' and it determines the base/mod for the formatting.
  • Updated tests to use PHPUnit's CoversClass and DataProvider attributes.
    • Changed $this to self:: in tests when calling PHPUnit methods
  • Updated composer.json to support PHP 8.2 - 8.4
    • Added PHPStan strict rules to dev dependencies
    • Updated workflows to introduce testing on PHP 8.4
  • Bump copyright year.
  • Updated Strings::ascii(), Strings::slugify().
    • Added voku/portable-ascii as a dependency.
    • These functions now accept a new parameter: $language. If a language specific set of characters exists, it will use those within slugify and ascii.
  • Arrays::exists is now Arrays::keyExists
  • Updated composer.json for the test script, and moved all the phpunit command line options to the relevant options in the phpunit.xml xml config.
  • Updated unit tests.


  • Arrays::exists() will be replaced with Arrays::keyExists()


  • Utility\Utility super class.
  • Due to using voku/portable-ascii as a dependency, Strings::charMap() was removed.

1.3.0 - 2023-12-11


  • currentUrl() no longer has any parameters, and just returns the URL string.
    • currentUrl(bool $parse = false) is now just currentUrl()
    • Just run parse_url(Utility::currentUrl()) if that functionality is needed.
  • Code cleanup per PHPCS and PHPScrutinizer
    • Small refactoring of some functions, such as currentUrl and isReallyWritable
  • Attempt at increasing test coverage.
  • Further cleanup to try and adhere to PSR-12.
    • Adding information into for PHPDoc related guidelines, in an effort to adhere to PSR-5 and PSR-19.


  • serverHttpVars() deprecated, just use getallheaders() instead.


  • Removed deprecated statusHeader()
    • Added ralouphie/getallheaders as a polyfill, for situations where the SAPI is not Apache
    • serverHttpVars() will just return the getallheaders() output

1.2.0 - 2023-09-22


  • New function arrayInterlace
  • New functions for temperature conversions:
    • fahrenheitToCelsius, celsiusToFahrenheit, celsiusToKelvin, kelvinToCelsius, fahrenheitToKelvin, kelvinToFahrenheit
    • fahrenheitToRankine, rankineToFahrenheit, celsiusToRankine, rankineToCelsius, kelvinToRankine, rankineToKelvin
  • Initial implementation of PHPUnit and the testing suite.


  • Code cleanup per PHPStan (level: 9, strict, bleeding edge)
  • doesContain() and doesNotContain() now uses the PHP 8 native str_contains() function.
    • No longer relies on mbstring for these two functions, as it does not appear to be necessary.
    • However, you can pass true to the $multibyte parameter to use mbstring
    • New signature: (string $haystack, string $needle, bool $insensitive = false, bool $multibyte = false)
  • beginsWith() and endsWith() now uses the PHP 8 native str_starts_with() and str_ends_with() functions.
    • No longer relies on mbstring for these two functions, as it does not appear to be necessary.
    • However, you can pass true to the $multibyte parameter to use mbstring
    • New signature: (string $haystack, string $needle, bool $insensitive = false, bool $multibyte = false)
  • Reworked arrayFlatten, now has new parameter $prepend
  • validJson() should now return properly


  • statusHeader() is now deprecated, you can use PHP's built-in http_response_code function instead.

1.1.2 - 2023-08-17


  • Version bump
  • Minor code cleanup

1.1.1 - 2023-08-11


  • Version bump
  • Cleaning up issues per PHPStan

1.1.0 - 2023-06-24


  • Version bump
  • Bumped PHP version requirement to 8.2
  • Updated composer.json
  • BC BREAK: randomBytes, randomInt, randomString and guid now throw \Random\RandomException


  • FIX: Minor documentation improvements.
  • FIX: Minor code improvements.

1.0.3 - 2023-06-03


  • Updated copyright year(s) and version bump.
  • Bumped PHP version requirement.
  • Updated composer.json


  • FIX: Minor documentation improvements.
  • FIX: Minor code improvements.
  • FIX: Some functions not defined/used properly.

[1.0.2] - 2021-08-20


  • Updated copyright year(s) and version bump.


  • FIX: Minor documentation improvements.

[1.0.1] - 2019-04-07


  • FEAT: New functions - lcfirst, ucfirst, strcasecmp


  • FIX: Minor documentation improvements.

[1.0.0] - 2017-02-08

  • Initial release