- Home: List Movies, Title and Summary (Branch update_part_2) (without the contents of branch 3 and 4)
- More about film (Branch update_part_3) (without the contents of branch 4)
- Search Movies (Branch update_part_4 or master) (complete project)
Before starting, you will need to have EXPO installed on the system and on your smartphone (check the documentation: https://docs.expo.io/get-started/installation/) or install Android Studio to emulate on your system and create access the key here https://www.themoviedb.org/ and save it in the env file with the variable EXPO_PUBLIC_API_KEY
- Clone this repository
- Install dependencies
- create an account on the movie database API and create an access key
- save the access key in the env file with the variable EXPO_PUBLIC_API_KEY
- Run the application via npm/yarn start or if you prefer, use npx expo start (check the documentation: https://docs.expo.dev/more/expo-cli/)